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Kennedy Simmons.

"But mama!" I exclaimed

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"But mama!" I exclaimed.

"But mama nothing." My mom snapped.

"It's Saturday and I made plans just please please let me have the day off." I begged.

"No Kennedy, I let you have Friday off to hang with Cash. Now get dressed." She said before leaving out of my room.

I threw a little tantrum and got out of bed. It was Saturday, a Saturday morning at that. I loved working in the store with mama but she loves to have me come in from 7am to 5pm. That's my whole day and I do get tired easily.

I made it to my bathroom and did my morning hygiene which consisted of me showering, brushing my teeth, getting dressed and etc. I grabbed my phone and MCM purse and exited my room.

I seen my mom on her phone, "Oh and you're driving." She said.

"Must be your car." I laughed grabbing her keys off the counter.

"No no your car." She said causing me to groan.

"Mommy, now I feel like you're just trying to be cruel! First you wake me up for this shift now you want me to drive? This is crazy." I said so dramatically.

"You're such a drama queen." She laughed grabbing her purse. "Now let's go. Money is to be made." She said and exited out the door with me following behind her.

Within 15 minutes we made it to mama's store. We got out and walked up to the store's doors. Mama unlocked them and we walked in. I was putting the cash in the register when I heard the bells ring indicating someone has came into the store.

"Sorry we're closed." I said without looking up.

"Can't be closed if I have a shift today at 7:30am." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and rolled my eyes at Jace.

"What you doing here?" I asked putting my hand on my hip with a lil bit of attitude.

"First, lose the attitude, it's too early. Second, I work here. Your mom ain't tell you?" He asked.

"No." I mumbled feeling a bit salty. My mom doesn't know that Jace is the one who introduced Kentrell to the whole street life. If I would've told her I'm pretty sure Jace would be dead.

"Hey Jace. Seems as if the closers stocked everything up last night so I'ma have you on register with Kennedy." My mom spoke as she walked up to us.

"Uh uh. Why he gotta work with me?" I questioned.

"Because I said so." She said sternly.

"Why can't he just go home for the day?" I asked.

"Girl shut up. That boy wanna actually work unlike you. Now show him how to work the register." Mama said before walking back into her office.

Jace came behind the counter and I began to start showing him how to work the register and etc. He seemed to understand quick which is odd cause he can't seem to understand none of the stuff his classes are teaching him considering I have to tutor him.

Hours passed and it was now my lunch break. "You gonna be good up here by yourself?" I asked him.

"Yeah I think so." He nodded.

"Don't mess nothing up." I rolled my eyes and heard a ding indicating someone was coming into the store. I looked up and smiled once I seen my baby Cash.

"Hey boo." I smiled walking up to him and giving him a kiss and a hug.

"What's u-The fuck he doing here?" Cash asked glaring at Jace.

"Huh?" I asked confused. "What you mean what is he doing here? He works here." I added.

"Why the hell your mama got this clown working here?" He questioned.

"Cash I don't know. I don't question who she hire." I shrugged.

"Man you need to mind your business forreal." Jace said once he was finished cashing out a customer.

"Fuck nigga who you talking too? Don't you remember how I did you a few years back? I will do that shit again." Cash said as he tried to walk up towards Jace.

I pulled Cash back, "Cash! Relax! This is my moms business you not finna be up in here being disrespectful."

"I agree Cashmere. You not finna come up in here and disrespect my store. So I'ma need you to leave. Come back once you get a better attitude and respect me and my store." My mom said coming out of nowhere.

"Man whateva'. You got this busta working here and shit. Better watch out with him." Cash shrugged causing me to sigh.

"Cash leave. You disrespecting my mama store with all that. Like for real, you know better." I told him.

"Man bye. You tripping fr Ken." Cash walked out the store and I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"I had no idea he was gone do that mom. I'm so sorry." I apologized to my mom.

"It's fine baby. You defended me and that's all that matters. I don't want him in my store until he apologizes." My mama said and walked off to help a customer. I nodded and went back to the cash register.

I wasn't hungry anymore. Cash literally snatched my appetite away when he caused that scene. I honestly don't know his beef with Jace and it needs to be squashed. We're to old for this kind of foolishness.

why y'all think cash beefing with jace?
is kennedy wrong for kicking cash out her mom's store?

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