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Kennedy Simmons.

"Nene stay in the car. This will be quick, I promise." My twin brother Kentrell said.

I sighed, "Okay, make it quick. I'm not feeling to good being in this neighborhood. It gives me the creeps."

"Oh hush drama queen." He nudged my head and got out the car. I giggled lowly and watched him go up the steps of the beat down house. I turned up the radio letting the newest song play on the radio. Within 5 minutes Kentrell got back in the car and sped off.

"That was fast." I said.

"Told you it was gonna be quick." He spoke looking in his rear view mirror.

"I'm hungry. Can we stop for some Panda Express?" I asked. Kentrell ignored me and continued to look in the rear view mirror. He even turned his head back a few times looking behind us as we drove. He had a scared look on his face. "Kentrell!" I snapped my fingers in his face.

"Fuck! Somebody following us." He did a quick right turn almost making me fall out of my seat.

"What do you mean somebody is following us?" I asked getting a little scared. I looked back and there was a car following us.

"Fuck! Fuck!" He yelled going faster.

"Turn that way. It's a quick shortcut. We'll lose them." I told him. He did as told and they we're still behind us. "Turn right, then left, then right again."

He did what I said, "Okay, now park in Ms.Smith yard. She ain't here and y'all got the same car so turn the car off to make it seem like it's hers." I instructed. Thank god I was smart. Kentrell was dumb and even though I was scared, I knew what to do.

Once he parked he wiped the beads of sweat off his forehead.

"What did you do?" I asked.


"You did something stupid." I remarked.

"Nah. Not even."

"So somebody just randomly following us on a wednesday." I scoffed. "I cant wait to tell mama all about this."


"Well excuse me! That ain't how you talk to somebody who saved yo stupid ass!"

"Man bye." He sucked his teeth and pulled out of Ms.Smith's driveway. He began driving down the street. It was a quiet drive until he pulled up at a red light.

"Okay, can we get some Panda Express now?" I questioned. A car pulled up next to us and Kentrell looked at me. Before he could even respond, the car next to us rolled down their window and start shooting.

"Kennedy get down!" Kentrell yelled pushing me down and using himself as a shield. I closed my eyes and silently prayed to God asking him to protect my brother. I heard him scream multiple times in agony.

"We good boys. I think we got him. Now drive!" A man yelled. The car quickly drove off and I looked over at Kentrell. His body was limp, he was barely breathing.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE!" I cried out over and over.

"Kennedy!" I felt someone tap me repeatedly.

"Wake up sweetie." My mother's sweet voice spoke. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up sighing. "Another bad dream huh?" She asked sincerely.

I nodded. "I miss him so much mom."

"We all do princess."

"Mom, he was my twin brother. My other half. It feels so weird that he's gone." I sighed looking down with my fingers. It's been 1 year since my brother passed away from a drive by shooting. And ever since then, I've been having these flashbacks of what happened. It's scaring me.

"Listen Kennedy, he's gone now sweetie. There's nothing we can do but be strong and let him watch over us. If I could bring him back, I would. Trust me." My mother said. I nodded and she kissed my forehead, "Now get ready for school."

"Don't forget that you have to help me with the store today." Mama spoke. I nodded my head and continued to finish eating my breakfast.

Sometimes I hated working for mama but at the same time I enjoyed it because I love fashion. I just didn't like stocking the clothes and what not.

"Well, I gotta go." I got up throwing my trash away up.

"Be careful princess. Text me once you make it to school so that I know you're safe." Mama kissed my cheek.

Being that it was just me and my mother, she was very overprotective over me. She wanted me to text her every day letting her know I made it to school safely. Which is fine with me. I love that she's overprotective and always worried about me.

"Will do mama." I grabbed my PINK backpack placing it on one of my shoulders. I walked over to the door grabbing my car keys off the table and walked out the door. I made my way to the nearest elevator in our condo building and got onto it pressing "P".

My phone buzzed in my hand letting me know someone texted me. I looked down and it was my amazing boyfriend Cash.

baby💏💗💍: Good morning😘. You better be on ya way to school

me: lol good morning😘& u know i am😂. i'm not a drop out like u.

baby💏💗💍😂 I'm not a drop out I'm coming to school today

me: i'll believe it when i see it sir🤷🏽‍♀️.

I shook my head. Cash and I both know he's lying. Cash dropped out this year because he wanted to make some fast money aka sell dope. I don't like this job choice like he could've done so much better but hey. I'm not gonna knock his hustle. It's just his hustle is dangerous. It can kill you. You see what happened to my twin brother. He died because he chose to slang dope and not get a regular job like an other teenager.

I locked my phone putting it in my backpack and stepped off the elevator once the doors opened. I walked over to my car and I got in. I crunk my car up and pulled out driving towards my school.

yea lol that's chapter one.
these chapters are gonna b short lol.

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