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"Harry where are we going?" I ask my boyfriend curiously, following him down a corridor I haven't been before.

"There is something that I want to show you, love", he replies, carefully covering my eyes, "Now think of a room, you really want to be in", he continuous.

"Why?", I question.

"Just do it, don't you trust me?", he asks smiling at my stubborn, but still exited expression.

"Not, if you could show me something crazy", I reply smugly.

"I won't, I promise", he whispers into my ear, causing me to blush a deep shade of red.

I giggle and think of a room filled with old artefacts, that no one has seen before. I loved to build things and make magical artefacts, that usually end up doing small chores. (A/N You don't have to actually like that, because I don't, it's just for the story)

I feel Harry softly taking my hand leading me somewhere. I can hear the shrieking sound of a old door and then a strong wave of musty smelling air hit me, but unlike other people, it made me feal like home.

"Good now open your eyes", Harry tells me ripping me out of my trance.

I open them and it's full of items I have never seen before, just like I have imagined it to be.

I gasp," How did you do that?", I asks.

"Magic", he laughs.

I turn around and hug him kissing him passionately.

"I am glad you like it ", he whispers.

"Like it? I love it!", I exclaim going through the corridors, looking at the artefacts.

There where lie detectors, and many objects I didn't have the clue about their purpose.

One thing caught my eye though. It was a gorgeous ancient looking vase with runes on it. It didn't look I like a machine, like the other artefacts in the room and it looked completely normal. Soft singing came from it, that filled the whole room.

Like in a trance State I moved closer and closer, my hand slowly reaching out for it, but when I touched it, everything suddenly turned black.

~A/n: I hope you like this start, I'm currently prewriting the Story and I am really tied, so I hope the spelling isn't too bad.

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