Chapter 6

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The start of a romance stage

"Ok, I will start", Sirius says grabbing the heart- shaped bottle, containing the pink liquid, enthusiastically, "I smell chocolate, books and grass, and parchment", he continues, his voice drifting of into some sort of trance state, until he suddenly snaps out, realising he who he was smelling, blushing furiously.

"What do you smell Moony?", I ask the embarrassed boy, shipping my new friends.

"I don't think it's a-", he tries to escape, but I shake my head slightly pushing him forward," Not so quick, Moony, there is no way out of this now".

"Ok, well I smell strong cologne, hair gel, and sweat as well as quidditch uniform and pranking powder", the skinny boy tells us drifting of just like Sirius did, again realising who he was describing he steps back, completely embarrassed.

"Aw, this is so cute, don't you think Prongs?", I say excitedly, destroying the moment.

"Totally", James agrees.

"Agreeing to your girl is the first step of becoming er husband", Sirius comments laughing.

"What do you mean his girl", I am not his girl, I protest.

"Sure thing, well then proof it and smell the potion", Sirius challenges me.

"Ok", I say grabbing the bottle of Remus' hand who was still staring at the floor, "I can smell a mixture off brooms, sweat, parchment and prank products, as well as broom wax and hair gel and homemade cookies", I explain.

James, realising what she just explained, quickly hid the cookies he was eating, that his mom had send him as a gift.

"Who isn't whose girl again?", Sirius mocks me.

"Shut up, remind me who your husband is", I retort, causing the poor Moony blushing even harder, if that was even possible.

"Now let the man do the work", James tells us, making his vice deeper, making me roll my eyes.

"I smell berry perfume, potions, dittany and hazelnut chocolate, with a hint of coffee", he describes.

My eyes widen. My favourite perfume is the berry smell, I was wearing right now, and I had eaten my favourite hazelnut chocolate earlier. I had potions earlier and in herbology where we were working with dittany.

"I don't know, James, but doesn't berry perfume reminds me of a certain someone, that we like to call foxy, and who was it that was eating hazelnut chocolate earlier?", Sirius teased James, who also turned red.

"Um, I think that's enough for today, I have to go to bed anyways", I quickly tell them, Good night boys.

The next day was full moon, my first full moon as a marauder and I was nervous. What am I saying, I wasn't nervous, I was a wreck. My hands were shaking all they and a repeatedly got into trouble for drifting of, but eventually the school day came to an end and the Marauders, and I were sneaking out with Moony. Wait, let me correct that, the Marauders were sneaking out. I am one of them. I am Paws, the Marauder. Remus was pale, his hands were sweaty, he looked like he hadn't slept and he hadn't eaten anything now even chocolate.

Soon we arrived in the Shrieking Shak. It didn't look as happy as it had, back when they told her their secret, it looked cold and scary. She had a sick feeling in her stomach feeling like something was going to go wrong, but I shook it off. It probably just was just the nerves.

"Are you ready y/n?", James asks, concerned. He didn't want her to be there, seeing her friend transform into a monster and the potential of her getting hurt, it frightened him. No matter how hard he tried convincing himself he loved Lily and not the y/h/c girl, but it was impossible, he was falling for the smart, funny and brave girl more and more everyday.

"Y- Yes I'm ready", I stutter.

"If Remus has a rough day today you have to stay back, I can't allow you to get hurt", James tells me.

"What do you mean a rough day?", I question.

"Sometimes, he is really aggressive and doesn't care what we do to stop him and just starts attacking us", the boy with the messy hair explained.

James I am going to be fine, I reassure him.

"Guys, it's time", Sirius tells us. We nod and transform.

I watch in horror as my friend falls to the floor in pain. I can hear his bones breaking into a different shape, his face turns longer, and he starts to grow hair and then the beast looks up. His eyes weren't the warm chocolate brown once her friend had, but a bright yellow that was shining in the moon. The wolf let out a haul and then growled walking out if the Shak on two legs his arms supporting him. The weird animal pack followed him. A grim-like dog, a rat, a majestic stag, and a white fox.

At first everything was going like they planed, but before entering the forbidden forest, the wolf suddenly turned around sharply, facing the castle, before he could walk into the castle's direction. The black dog stepped in front of it blocking the way, letting out a deep growl. Irritated the wolf tries to attack the dog, quickly James steps in hitting the beast with his hooves. Angering the monster even more he now wanted to attack James, to stop him from hurting James I swiftly jump at it's back slightly biting it.

Raging he now tried to shake me off, I managed to jump off just intime to not get thrown away. Trying to get the wolf under control Sirius attacked, rapidly getting hit by the wolf in the air throwing him against a tree. Hurt, the dog weakly falls to the floor unconscious. Peter squeaks clearly scared. Angry at the wolf, for what he had done to Sirius, James attacks, getting hit by a paw mid-air, making his neck bleed, before the stag got the chance to stand up, he was hit with the other paw hurting him more. The wolf leaned down ready to bite, quickly I shield James. The wolf's teeth sink into to my flesh, as everything turns black.

~The Problem isn't the Problem, the Problem is your attitude About the Problem.

-Captain Jack Sparrow

A/N: I am not really happy with this chapter and I don't have time to read through it. My final exams are this and next week and then I am finally done for this year. In summer break, I might upload more regularly, but until then it's just two times a week! Love you guys!

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