Chapter 1

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(Cross posted on A03)

It was supposed to be a relatively simple mission, bust a drug ring and destroy all evidence. Chuuya wasn't even sure why they were sending an executive on it with the backup of the black lizards, but he wasn't complaining too much. At least he wasn't stuck doing paperwork all day or on a high-pressure mission.

Chuuya and his subordinates didn't know much about this organization, only that there were shady dealings being held. Port mafia level shady.

With the flick of his wrist, the others surged forward with practiced ease. Despite the Black Lizards being the firepower, they were also used for stealth meanings, especially Gin and her assassins. The port mafia wasn't like that group of idiots the Armed Detective Agency, they didn't just bust into the scene.

The block of warehouses seemed relatively empty when they scoped the place out, only coming across a few sparsely placed guards who weren't even holding their guns right. This spoke volumes of their organizational skills. Either they were overconfident or just downright unintelligent, either way, not a threat to the port mafia.

But it was a threat to Yokohama's citizens if the strange drugs they were experimenting on got out to the public.

So Chuuya watched as Gin silently took down an employee, lowering him to the ground in a chokehold before shooting him a thumbs up. All clear. Chuuya grinned savagely, cracking his knuckles, it was time to bust this drug ring.

He loudly kicked down the door to the closest warehouse, there was no point in masking their presence when they would be burning the place down anyway and they already Incompasitated the guards.

The black lizard quickly filed in from behind Chuuya as he continued further into the dimly lit building. Despite the lack of light, it was obvious that it was empty, so Chuuyas' grin fell as he held up two with his gloved fingers. 'Stay on guard'

Blanketed under the veil of darkness Chuuya worked on studying the contents of the warehouse. It was cluttered, but Chuuya could tell that there was a familiar sense of organization behind it. The people working here were rushed in their projects but cared more about accuracy than the output.

There were plastic white tables set along the walls, the kind you would see a large family set up for a cookout. And when Chuuya stepped closer to observe the clutter on top of it, his gut sunk when he immediately recognized the test tubes and syringes.

He narrowed his eyes, letting out a breathy "what the..." as he continued his search, only coming across more testing equipment. The others seemed to catch onto his slight bafflement because they slowly crowded around him as if waiting for him to give orders.

"This isn't a drug ring, they're experimenting on something-" Chuuya hesitated, sharp eyes scanning over the remainder of the large warehouse before resting on a sectioned-off corner with a curtain blocking whatever was behind it from view.

After many silent orders to the squad, Chuuya made his way to the curtain, on guard as he flung it open and out of the way.

He wasn't surprised at the sight of the children, bound and gagged, lying in a heap, but his gut still twisted uncomfortably. Memories he had long ago blocked off bubbled to the surface, pushing against the barriers of his mind as he hesitantly took a step forward.

"They were experimenting on children." He finally finished, "let's get them out of here before we drop the match."

The children were thankfully alive and seemed relatively unharmed aside from their tear-stained cheeks. The members quickly gathered the children to carry out, because they may be the mafia but Chuuya refused to let any children die on his watch.

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