Chapter 11

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A/N: Just a question, is the pace to this fic too slow? Should I speed it up?
And someone asked me if there would be any NSFW parts in this.... Absolutely not. Chuuya is a CHILD in this.

Dazai didn't stay asleep for too long, though instead of being ripped from sleep by memories or his overactive mind, it was by the weight on top of him shifting.

Somewhere in the back of his sleep hazed mind, he remembered that the chibi had passed out on top of him in a dead sleep.

That also meant that he should have been passed out until at least lunch tomorrow, he was exhausted.

So why was he moving around right now?

When Dazai squinted his eyes open, he could tell that it was around twelve at night by the way the moon shed its pale light on the room.

He also realized that Chuuya was no longer sleeping on the bed, or even in the room. Dazai immediately sat up, eyes adjusting to the dark as he slipped from the bed, shoulders tense.

Chuuya could either be running away or something worse, had an enemy organization found his apartment?

He stayed silent as he padded to the restroom, poking his head through the door. No one occupied it, so Dazai expanded his search to the living space.

He let out a small huff when his rust-colored eyes landed on the redhead, who was standing in front of the large window, seemingly looking across Yokohama's cityscape.

Dazai was now less alert in his movements, shuffling next to Chuuya.

"I thought you were tired?"

No answer.

Dazai tilted his head to get a better view of the kid, only to be met with half lidded hazy blue eyes. Oh, Dazai didn't know how he didn't figure it out sooner, the chibi always sleepwalked.

"Is Chuuya asleep?"

Chuuya made a grumbling noise, vacant eyes staring straight forward. The bandages that adorned his body stayed firmly in place, covering his whole torso and arms.

Dazai made sure to give him a loose shirt to not bother the bandages, though every shirt probably would have big on him given his size.

And now that Chuuya was staying still, back facing him, Dazai noticed the black ink on the back of his neck, just barely peeking past the bandages. In the area where Chuuya once wore his choker was 'A515' branded into his skin.

Dazai tore his eyes away from the sight, just in time for Chuuya to move.

The redhead swayed slightly, turning around to sluggishly walk around the living room. (He almost tripped over the couch, which was a funny sight in itself.)

But Dazai realized that since asleep Chuuya was unfamiliar with his surroundings, he was likely to get hurt.

So he moved from his place next to the window to chase after Chuuya, who walked around dangerously without care. "Come here Chuuya~" Just like they did when they were in the port mafia, Dazai grabbed him by the elbow in a firm grasp to lead him back to bed.

He always had sleepwalking issues and it was the most annoying thing to deal with on missions.

Though this time Chuuya halted in his tracks as Dazai tugged lightly on his arm.

Dazai sighed "Chibi, don't be difficult. Let's go back to bed."

Chuuya remained firmly rooted in place. Normally at this point, Dazai would have left Chuuya to sleepwalk wherever he wished (Once he had walked down to a hotel lobby and scared the shit out of everyone, they thought he was possessed.)

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