Chapter 19

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Chuuya had healed surprisingly quickly, faster than any normal child his age should have. This was probably due to Arahabaki, Dazai noted, because no matter how much pain it had brought upon Chuuya, it allowed him to recover in just under a week.

Though that wasn't to say that the aftermath of the sickness didn't come without drawbacks.

Yosano visited once his fever had gone down and forced Chuuya to bedrest for two whole days (Dazai didn't know how she managed to convince the chibi to stay put for such a long time period, but prying was just asking for trouble.)

And Chuuya was weak, or at least momentarily. The sickness was like a hurricane, it blew past and left wreckage that Chuuya was still sorting through. Those hazed memories he experienced seemed to make him jumpier and also occupied his mind, leaving him a lot less snappy than Dazai would have liked.

At least now he agreed to eat to make up for the weight he had lost, and Dazai suspected that Arahabaki had been the one sucking up his food storages and energy when he was sick, making things a lot more complicated than they needed to be.

What a parasite.

But despite his condition and his vision swimming every time he stood up, Chuuya was restless by the time he was released from bed rest. And who was Dazai to lock Chuuya in his room any longer? he himself was getting bored of Chuuya whining to get out and do something.

And Dazai supposed that it would look bad if the chibi thought he was holding him captive or something, so he did one last temperature check the next morning to be completely sure that Chuuya was no longer running a fever and steered him towards the shower. (If Chuuya was going to be out in public then he did not need to smell of sickness.)

Chuuya hadn't brought up the subject of the truths Dazai had been withholding from him, and Dazai didn't regret his decision in not telling Chuuya at that moment when his fever was clouding his judgment. He was unstable enough as it was in the moment, it was unpredictable to tell how he would have reacted if he found out about his time in the lab.

Dazai couldn't tell if Chuuya still wanted to know of the information, and he would decide how to approach the situation if the redhead asked him.

But for now, Dazai would preoccupy himself with making sure Chuuya didn't get into any more trouble while he was still present in the future.

And well, Dazai was usually the one causing mischief so being in Kuniklida's shoes would certainly give him a new perspective. (Not that he would annoy him any less.)

The chibi took about a four-hour (thirty minute) shower before finally emerging from the restroom in more clothes Kouyou thoughtfully packed for him. The pale and flushed shades of his skin had returned to normal and his eyes had regained the sharpness to them that they had always held.

Dazai wasn't relieved. He wasn't.

He would just rather never see Chuuya in that condition again.

Chuuya shot him a pointed look, his head tilting slightly. "Well, are we gonna sit here all day or get out of here?"

"Ah yes, don't forget your coat wouldn't want you to be on bed rest for a week again."

"I'll kill you."


Chuuya had a lot of plans. He had learned a lot despite being useless in bed for the better half of a week (it was one of the most miserable experiences Chuuya had gone through, the humiliation burned his tongue and left an unsettling feeling in his stomach. He already did not want to be seen in a vulnerable position with this Dazai but it seemed that the universe hated him.)

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