Chapter 8

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As promised, Dazai dragged himself out of bed the next day with the intention of letting little Chuuya reunite with the new friends he found in the agency.

He could not see why he got along with them, but to each their own, he supposed.

Chuuya was not easy to wake up, he never was.

Dazai returned to the bedroom after showering and dressing (as loud as he could in hopes that the kid would wake up to the noise.)

Dazai had no such luck, the redhead lay out on the bedspread horizontally, occupying the space that Dazai had once slept in.

"Come on Chibi, rise, and shine~" Dazai announced, opening the curtains to shed the orange light of the sun into the room.

Chuuya didn't move.

"Tch, you and your sleeping habits. Just like a dog," Dazai shook Chuuya's shoulder for a minute straight, when he still didn't respond, only flopping pliantly in Dazai's hold, Dazai pulled away to poke his cheek.

"You aren't dead, are you?"

Little Chuuya made a sleepy noise. Very much not dead.

In the end, Dazai resorted to using the spray bottle. It worked like a charm, though he did up with deep scratch marks on his face when Chuuya awoke from his slumber.

Perhaps he was more of a feline than a canine, though that was only when he was tired. Chuuya was a dog when fully awake, loyal and determined. Though now, Chuuya hissed and scrambled under the covers and away from the spray of water.

And ten minutes later, he was still sulking in the corner, Mackerel joining him in his cowering.

"Chuuya, come on~" Dazai bargained, waving a protein bar in front of the kid's face. "You want to see the agency today, correct?"

Chuuya perked up, unfolding his body and slowly getting to his feet to grab the bar and viciously tear it open. "I didn't think you were actually telling the truth."

Dazai put a hand to his heart "I am wounded, since when am I the type to go back on my word?"

Chuuya scrutinized him before nibbling on the bar "I dunno, jus' feel like you would."

Dazai sighed, turning to reach for Chuuya and steer him into the restroom. "Enough of the slander, such hate for such a tiny body."

Chuuya didn't have the energy to reach and punch him.

Dazai released the redhead from his grip "now take a shower, you stink." No, he didn't.

Chuuya opened his mouth to say something, but Dazai cut him off. "That uniform you like wearing is hanging in the closet."

Chuuya raised an eyebrow "you washed it?"


"Stop being responsible, it's creepy."

Dazai nodded in agreement "I scare myself sometimes. I am a changed man, Chibi."

"Sure," Chuuya scoffed before closing the restroom door right in Dazai's face,


Getting Chuuya to leave the apartment proved to be even more of a perilous task than waking him up.

"But Chuuya I thought that you wanted to go see them" Dazai whined, almost as childish as the redhead who held Mackerel in his arms. He looked about three seconds away from stomping his tiny feet.

"Yes, but I already said that I'm not leaving without Mackerel!"

Why did children have to be so stubborn?

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