Chapter 14

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Dazai definitely did eat his words, as it turned out because the next day was not a peaceful one.

It started off with an elbow to his gut.

Dazai moaned at the sudden jabbing sensation, twisting around in surprise, eyes cracking open only to be blinded by the sunlight streaming through the curtains.

Chuuya should invest in some blackout curtains, though it wasn't like the executive slept in anyways.

Dazai ignored the outside world and let his eyes flutter shut.

It was peaceful.

Until there was yet another jab at his gut.

Well, it was impossible to ignore now. Dazai felt around for the fist clenched to around nightshirt and extracted it.

He was about to drift off again when he realized with a jolt that there should be absolutely no one punching him this bright and early in the morning. (Twelve O'clock was early.)

His eyes flew open only to be assaulted with the sight of not an intruder or the cat on top of him, but it was little Chuuya... the same Chuuya who absolutely refused to touch him or anyone else.

Chuuya hadn't aged any, which was more likely than what Dazai was seeing right now. Really, he could have been dreaming because the redhead wasn't tense.

Half of his body hung off of the bed as if he had just plopped his upper body face down after a long day of work, his arm's spread out where one happened to hit Dazai in the chest.


Dazai couldn't tell much from his expression with him being facedown on the bed, but he could tell by the steady rise and fall of his back that he was asleep.

That explained why he wasn't tense. He must have sleepwalked into his room out of unconscious habit.

"Silly chibi," Dazai chided under his breath, shooing Mackerel away when she tried to lay on top of Chuuya's head. "And you, you should have stayed out on the streets." He told the cat, Mackerel just stared up at him innocently.

Chuuya stirred on the bed, body slowly sliding off, and if Dazai were a meaner person then he would have let Chuuya slide right off and onto the floor, but instead he hooked his arms under the boys armpits and hefted him up until he wasn't going to fall off.

At least he didn't wake up and attack him, Chuuya must have been drained from his city adventure yesterday if he was still asleep.

Dazai would need to keep a closer eye on him and the port mafia's movements.

Mackerel settled down next to Chuuya and Dazai slipped out of the room, losing the will to sleep. Blankets piled to the floor at the base of the couch haphazardly. Chuuya refused to sleep in the room, though he had always been up before Dazai so by the time Dazai had awoken there was never any evidence that he had slept on the couch.

Dazai would normally leave the blankets on the floor but it felt right to scoop them up and throw them in the laundry.

Dazai would never clean up after himself or do his own laundry, but Chuuya would no doubt hang his head on his wall if Dazai left his apartment a mess.

It wasn't that Dazai cared for the prospect of the Chibi barking at him, his annoying voice always buzzed in the back of his mind no matter what he did anyways.

Dazai didn't feel the urge for caffeine since he had actually been getting more sleep lately (surprising, he should look into that to be sure he didn't have a life-threatening disease. Sickness was such a slow way to die.) But he brewed it out of habit anyway.

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