Chapter 10

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Not surprisingly, little Chuuya had fallen asleep on the car ride back.

His eyelids drooped dangerously and he struggled to jolt awake every minute, but eventually, he had drifted off, still looking tense even in his sleep.

Dazai kept an eye on the road, for once not driving chaotically, as he pulled the blue blanket further up Chuuya when it had fallen off.

Dazai sighed, hopefully, they wouldn't be stuck with this version of Chuuya for too long, for the sake of all of their sanities.

Chuuya remained blissfully asleep as Dazai pulled up to the entrance of the parking garage and riffled through his coat pockets for Chuuya's phone.

Apparently, he needed proof that he was a resident of the apartment complex, which, fair.

He finally retrieved Chuuya's red cased phone from the depths of his pockets and quickly managed to find his pin number to get past the gate. (It was in his notes, how predictable.)

He parked in the closest space he could, luckily Chuuya's apartment building was fancy and had an elevator to get to the different rooms.

Dazai pocketed Chuuya's phone, possibly never to be seen again, and took a moment to contemplate.

Chuuya was a bit skittish considering the circumstances, so carrying him up wouldn't be an option.

Dazai decided that waking him up would be the best option, at least the chibi would be a bit less vicious with how tired he was.

"Chuuya," he shook his shoulder, the redhead's eyes fluttered open in record time.

It made sense that he was such a light sleeper now compared to his other ages, though Dazai wouldn't ponder on it too much more.

Chuuya's eyes were wild for a minute as he kicked blindly, back crashing against the car's door, but recognition crossed over his face and he halted.

"Oh," was all he said, but it got the point across to Dazai.


"That's fine" Dazai rubbed his red cheek from where Chuuya had planted his heel directly on it, "we're back at the apartment, so it's time to get out."

"...Right," Chuuya reluctantly pulled on the doorknob and Dazai met him on the other side of the car, opening his own door.

Dazai made sure not to lead him by the shoulder or stand behind him, though he always kept an eye over his shoulder. Who knew if the kid would run if he had the chance.

Luckily there was no one in the elevator, Chuuya eyed it apprehensive when they stepped into it, fidgeting under the blanket that had covered him.

In fact, it was dragging along the floor during their whole trip to the apartment, but they made it work and arrived without incident.

Chuuya must have been exhausted if he was acting sluggish, especially in his current mindset.

Perhaps, though, that worked out best for Dazai.

"...This is your apartment?" Chuuya asked, wide-eyed as he explored it with his eyes.

"Uh-huh!" Dazai nodded shamelessly. It was Chuuya's, and Chuuya was in custody meaning that all of his belongings also belonged to him, thus making his wine collection, hat collection, and his apartment Dazai's.

Then Dazai frowned "hey, why do you sound so surprised that this fine establishment is all mine."

Chuuya shrugged, his blanket swishing around his shoulders "I dunno, thought you were homeless."

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