Chapter 9

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"Restrain him, Dazai put that Lazer down right now!" Kunikida avoided a claw to the face when the laser was pointed directly at his face. Using the opportunity of closeness, he pulled Atsushi into a chokehold, forcing him to calm down.

Dazai snickered but pocketed the laser pointer. That was enough ruckus for the hour. "See Chibi? A rabid cat is still a cat. Would you like to pet hi- Chibi?" Dazai scanned the messy room for the familiar red hair, but Chuuya was nowhere to be found.

Dazai ignored Kunikida's yelling, as always to frantically search around. The last time the chibi got lost, it did not turn out good at all. "I should have kept that child leash on him" he groaned, closing the closet door when Chuuya wasn't behind it.

Then he halted in front of the president's door when he heard the familiar noise of Chuuya laughing, it sounded like chimes. The tension that flooded his body eased.

Chuuya hadn't been kidnapped and didn't run away, he was just escaping the chaos. Maybe Dazai had gone a bit far with the laser pointer trick, but in his defense, the little experiment was long overdue.

Dazai sat back down at his desk, Atsushi had lost sight of the laser and regained his senses, but still stayed far from Dazai. Dazai sighed and pointedly took the laser pointer and threw it into the trash can, the weretiger dropped his guard and slowly took his place next to him at his own desk.

There was a long period of time of Kunikida yelling over his phone about fixing the wallpaper and Dazai throwing paper airplanes to the back of his head, but eventually, all calmed down again.

Shortly after, their president emerged from his room. Kunikida was immediately on his feet, bowing deeply and apologizing profusely, Atsushi joining him. But they stopped when Fukuzawa simply dismissed them, with the nod of his head, a finger placed to his lips.

The lump in his arms shuffled around, and Dazai realized that he was carrying little Chuuya, a blanket wrapped around the kid.

He must have fallen asleep, because when the man gently set Chuuya down on the couch, the Chibi only made a sleepy noise, shifting and finding a comfortable place before falling back into an easy slumber.

"Refrain from scaring the children," he said simply, returning to his office without any more fanfare, though he did stop at his doorway and looked to Dazai.

Dazai straightened up at being addressed.

"He misses his home" the president informed, then disappeared back to his office.

"Hmm" Dazai hummed thoughtfully, he supposed that made sense. Little Chibi had been this age for roughly a week now without any notice from his family. It was strange that he was so used to his parents being away, but he was a child and all children were doomed to be sensitive over such subjects.

Dazai hadn't told Chuuya about the real situation, he probably wouldn't believe him anyway, so it was safe to make an excuse about his parents being away.

"I have an idea!" Kenji piped up suddenly, making half of the agency jump at his enthusiasm.

"Do tell," Dazai prompted, the others listening curiously.

"Well, let's do something that makes him happy!"

Kunikida nodded in approval "wonderful, what makes him happy?"

All heads turned to Dazai.

The man shrugged "ice cream. Ice cream makes him happy."


"So Chuuya, what makes you happy?" Atsushi asked once they all sat down around the meeting table. They decided it would be best to stay at the agency for lunch at the time being, the Tanizaki's took the car to get takeout for them.

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