Chapter 6

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A/N: This ones.. kinda dark. There's some torture in this be warned.

It turns out that it was predicted to rain all week, nasty weather, and a cold front to accommodate for the incoming winter season.

The next morning Dazai had rolled out of bed, already a good three hours late for work, not that he planned on doing much of it.

Chuuya was still sound asleep on the couch, though it looked as if he had almost fallen off in the middle of the night, his limbs sprawled out in every direction.

Huh, he guessed it really was the Chibi in there.

Chuuya, as it turned out, wasn't a morning person. Thankfully he wasn't the grumpy type, Dazai wasn't sure how he would handle dealing with a whiny little kid. He may have just thrown him out of the window.

Instead, Chuuya was groggy, eyes half-lidded as Dazai nudged him around the apartment to get them ready to leave.

"I wanna stay" was the first thing Chuuya had said, voice small as Dazai handed him the school uniform he had worn yesterday. (Apparently, he had wanted to wear it again after Dazai washed it.)

"Well," Dazai grunted, pulling his bandages tight. "Too bad, I have to work. I'm doing your parents a favor by watching you, be nice." A little white lie.

Chuuya didn't seem too fazed by the bandages, instead, he rubbed at his eyes. "How do you even know them?"

"Hmmm" Dazai mused "I'm your long-lost father."

"No, you're not."

"No, I'm not." Dazai agreed.

Chuuya then yawned and Dazai took mercy on him. "You can nap when we get there, they probably also have food."

Chuuya gathered up all of his willpower and nodded in agreement, too tired to say much else.


The rain outside wasn't as harsh as the downpour it had been yesterday, just a light sprinkle.

Chuuya had ended up on Dazai's shoulders again, clutching an umbrella to hold over them while Dazai held his legs.

Dazai wasn't sure why Chuuya had insisted upon riding on his shoulders all the way to the agency, maybe he was simply too tired to walk or didn't want to get his feet wet. (Even though he was wearing those disgustingly blue rain boots.)

But Dazai could tell by the nervous glances cast down the alleyways, it was that Chuuya did not want to be separated again and to undergo a repeat of yesterday. So Dazai only grumbled under his breath at the added weight.

Chuuya had nodded off to sleep around three different times, the umbrella falling from his loose grip. Dazai huffed, not even trying to wake the Chibi back up as he took it from him.

Predictably, Kunikida was the one to yell at him when they finally arrived at the agency, shoving his watch in front of Dazai's face as if he didn't know the time. "You are three hours late!"

Dazai continued to calmly fold his umbrella as the blonde yelled at him, stray raindrops flinging from it and hitting Kunikida's face. Dazai could have sworn he had seen a vein twitch in his forehead as he grit his teeth.

Ah, how he had missed annoying Kunikida.

The other man sharply inhaled to continue on his rampage but was silenced when Dazai put a finger up to his mouth.

"Wha-" his eyes trailed up to Dazai's head where Chuuya was slumped over, sleeping quietly. He immediately quieted down, speaking in a hushed tone. "You're lucky you are working right now because if you weren't then I would have thrown you out of a window."

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