Chapter 15

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Sleeping in Chuuya's apartment, Dazai had grown accustomed to waking up with the harsh rays of sunlight peeking through the window or the cat pawing at him.

Those wake-up greetings were rather peaceful compared to a fist connecting with his face with a bruising amount of force, sending him sprawling out on the wooden floor.

Dazai's mind snapped into wakefulness as he caught himself on his hands and knees, landing on all fours like a cat.

He should have expected to wake up like this, he had fallen asleep next to the Chibi and Dazai knew that he evaded touch as much as humanly possible...

Though the force of that punch felt horrifying familiar...

Dazai brought a hand up to rub at his red cheek, eyes slowly trailing up to meet the all too familiar defiant blue eyes staring down at him with a mixture of disgust and confusion.

Ah, Dazai knew it was too hopeful to cling to the prospect of Chuuya remaining young.

He just didn't think he would ever be prepared to face the satan incarnate himself ever again.

Chuuya- fifteen years old- stood on top of the couch and jabbed an accusing finger at Dazai. It was only then that the adult tuned in on his yelling once his head finally stopped ringing.

"I don't know who the fuck you are or where the fuck I am, but you better start talkin' you bandaged frea-" Chuuya's eyes narrowed "idiot Dazai...?" The last part came out as a mumble, but Dazai sensed the question on Chuuya's lips.

He felt honored that he had recognized him.

Dazai clambered to his feet, holding his hands up in surrender should the fowl beast attack him. "My my Chibi, such harsh words. Though I suppose I cannot blame you for your limited vocabulary-"

Chuuya punched him again.

And well, Dazai supposed he hadn't been making the situation any easier by egging him on.

"Ow stop hitting me!" Dazai complained, cradling his swollen cheek. Nothing that a few bandages couldn't fix, though.

"Then tell me what's going on here!"

Dazai could see the rising panic in Chuuya, he had always been the type to hit first and ask questions later. All of those closed defenses when he was a child had turned to standoffish and brashness in Chuuya's teenage years.

He still had those feelings, but Chuuya had (intentionally or unintentionally, Dazai didn't know) now masked it with his attitude.

He had a soft tongue yet sharp teeth.

And Dazai realized that now that the puzzle had been put together.

He calmly sat down on the couch and Chuuya quickly scrambled away from it "stop yelling and I'll inform you on what's happening."

Dazai could see the red hue of Chuuya's power activating along with the suspicious gaze he held. He knew the tactic well, Chuuya was about to incapacitate him with his ability then make him talk.

It would be successful with anyone but Dazai.

As soon as Chuuya lunged forward at a breakneck pace, Dazai already sidestepped and put a hand out to grab Chuuya by the scruff of his shirt, knuckles brushing against the back of his neck, nullifying his ability.

Chuuya scrambled for a few moments, making sputtering noises before giving up.

"Are you done fighting now?" Dazai asked, unimpressed.

Chuuya nodded, and Dazai could only imagine the expression he had on his face when he set him down.

The redhead quickly turned to him "so you are the idiot Dazai. How?"

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