Chapter 2

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I woke up to be laying in bed. I looked around and saw I was in a hospital room.

I sighed as I realized no one from my team was here. To be honest, I was relieved about that.

Suddenly, Sci came in with a clipboard in his hand. He looked at me with a not surprised look. I just shrugged as he went over to his computer.

"What did you do this time?" He asked, his voice not sounding surprised.

"I wasn't doing much of anything. I went into the dungeon and I had a coughing fit. Then it went from my chest feeling tight to me blacking out."


I nodded as he typed on his computer.

He sighed then said, "You know you can't keep hiding this from them any longer."

"I would rather them not knowing I'm weak."

"It's better to let them know and not to suffer from your own consequences."

I stayed silent as I looked away.

"While you were out, I checked your vitals."

"Ok, everything seem alright?" I asked, looking at him.

"Everything looked ok other than your iron levels. You need to get more iron in your system after that procedure."

"I need more iron? I thought I was getting enough."

"No, you weren't. You know you'll need to take more iron than you have in the past."

I sighed as I looked at my hands. Goop wasn't on my bones.

"I found you without any goop on your bones if you were wondering."

I nodded as I looked at him then said, "Is my health problems from trying to expand my magic abilities?"

He hummed then typed something on his computer before saying, "That could be a possibility."

I hummed as I had a feeling that what it might be.

"I'll have you stay here for an hour or so before you can head back to your place."

I nodded then said, "Ok."

I saw him pick up the clipboard as he stepped away from the computer.

"Now I'm being serious, because of your procedure, you need to take more iron."

"I know."

"I know how stubborn you can be so don't just brush it off like it's nothing."

I hummed as I saw him walk to the door.

"I'll be back when you can leave the room."

I nodded as I saw him leave.

I looked off to the side and saw my phone on the small table. I grabbed it and looked to see if I had any missing messages or calls.

I got a few messages actually. One from Cross, three from Error, and seven from Killer.

I opened the one from Cross first.

'Hey boss, you alright? I haven't seen you in the past few hours. I searched around the palace and the garden and didn't find you. Text me back once you see this.'

I hummed then went to see what Error's messages said.

'Hey Night, Cross seems to be freaking out. Not only that, Killer seems to be freaking out as well. I don't know what they saw or what but it's really odd.

I tried finding you where you normally are and didn't find you. Let me know if something had happened.

You're actually some of the few friends I have that I genuinely care about so please, message me back as soon as you can.'

I don't think I've ever heard Error sound so concerned in a message. I would have never guessed him to be so concerned about me.

I sighed as I went to read Killer's messages. I can already tell he's being a five year old.

'Boss?! You there?! Are you ok?!

I'm worried about you! Not only that, Cross is too!

Both of us tried finding you and we couldn't find you!

You alright?!

I'm worried!

I'm scared!

Where are you?! Please tell me!'

And that was it. Sometimes I swear he overreacts.

I began to text them back, starting with Error.


I opened a portal back to the palace.

I wonder if Ink is still in the dungeon.

I sighed as I opened the front door. It was surprisingly calm.

I walked through the long hallway to the living room. Once I was there, I saw Error on the sofa with Dust.

I cleared my throat: both of them looked at me. Error got up and walked over to me.

"I'm glad your ok, had me worried," Error quietly said.

Dust came over and said, "You scared Cross and Killer pretty bad. Where were you anyway?"

"Oh, well, I had to run some errands."

"It would have been nice if you let us know ahead of time," Dust said, crossing his arms.

I hummed then said, "Sorry about that. Sometimes I can't think straight and I forget to let you guys know."

Dust nodded then walked away.

Error still looked at me, his face held concern. Not just that, his aura felt like he was concerned.

"Night, I can tell something isn't right. You don't have to tell me right now or not at all if you don't want to. But, if you do want to say something, you can take as long as you need."

I nodded then said, "Don't worry, I'm ok. I just had a little scare but besides that I'm fine."

"A little scare? Like how?"

Shit, I might have fucked up.

"'s nothing really. Just I might be getting sick with a cold or something."

Error hummed then said, "Ok, just let me know if something's up."

I nodded as he walked away. I felt his aura, he still felt concern but also, he felt unsure.

I sighed as I started to head to my bedroom.


I was in my room. I was looking at myself in the mirror.

I put on a dark grey long sleeve collared shirt and a black pencil skirt. The skirt was a little tight but besides that, it seemed to fit alright.

I looked at my body. The outfit seemed to work well together. I looked and saw the curves my body had from being in a female ecto body.

There was one thing that felt missing from this outfit.

I hummed trying to think what could be missing. Then it hit me. I need heels to make this fit together.

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, putting some annoyance in my voice.

"Sorry boss but, Ink wants to talk with you."

I could tell that was Cross's voice.

"Alright, give me a few minutes."

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