Chapter 21

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Error's P. O. V.
Has Killer seriously lost his mind?! He just freaking stabbed Night in the stomach. I literally dropped what I had focused on and rushed over to him.

Night collapsed on the ground after letting out the loudest scream I've ever heard from him. Killer looked at me with the most psycho look I've ever seen him look like. I grabbed my strings and flung them at him as I fired a few gaster blasters at him. Killer just simply teleported away.

I went over to Night and saw him sacked out. I saw that his shirt was getting a bit wet with bone marrow. I looked at the bone that was stabbed through him. I hummed then gently grabbed the bone.

Suddenly, Night grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tightly. I gently hissed as he looked at me. He quickly let go as he looked at me with sympathy.

"Sorry, I thought you were Killer," he softly whispered.

"It's ok, I understand but that grip was stronger than I had thought."

He looked away before saying, "Take me to Sci, I'm in too much pain to bare."

I nodded then let go of the bone that was in paling him. I gently scooped him up then took us through a portal to the hospital Sci was working at.

Dust's P. O. V.
I huffed and puffed as I knew we were losing in this battle. I looked around and didn't see Error or Nightmare. I did hear Nightmare scream, Error must be helping him and took him somewhere.

I began to look around some more but quickly got stopped by Killer blasting a gaster blaster in my face. I teleported away and sighed as I felt the sting. I looked at my clothes to see them burnt up a bit.

I began fighting Killer. Throwing bones, blasting gaster blasters, and dodging. Eventually, he began fighting Horror.

I noticed that it was only Killer that was here. Ink and XGaster were gone. I wonder where they went.

I looked at Horror and could easily tell that he was exhausted. I decided to fight Killer with him. Two against one, we beat him. He fled before we could take him to the dungeon at the castle.

I began to get a bit light headed and fell to the ground. I couldn't make out Horror's words. He sounded panicked.

All I knew was that I was so fucking tired from that battle. My body just gave out on me once we were finished. I felt my conscience slip as I began to pass out.

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