Chapter 18

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I woke up to feel someone's arms around me. I looked and saw Error gently holding me in his sleep. I smiled before moving his arms off of me.

I sat up and got out of bed. I saw that I was still in my dress from last night. I saw mine and Error's shoes by the door. I looked a bit further from the shoes to see Error's jacket, tie and belt.

I hummed then opened my closet. I grabbed a sweater and some leggings. I rested the clothes on my shoulder before closing the closet doors.

Suddenly, I heard a soft and quiet groan. I looked and saw Error stretching in bed. I smiled as I walked over to the bed.

"Morning," I gently said.

He looked at me then said, "Morning. Why are you in my room?"

I looked around, then said, "We're in my room, Error."

He slowly sat up then looked around. He squinted his eyes then looked at me.

"Oh, I guess I didn't realize I slept in your room. Sorry," Error gently said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine, I didn't mind."

He gently sighed before rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"Hey Error?" I gently asked.

He looked at me then said, "Yeah?"

I gently grinned then said, "You were very cuddly as we slept."

He widened his eyes then said, "Wait, we slept together?"

I nodded then said, "Yeah. Anyway, I'll give you a few minutes to wake up. I'm going to be in the bathroom for a few minutes."

I opened the door to the bathroom then shut it. I took my dress off and before slipping the shirt and leggings on. I wasn't in a female ecto body and I didn't have a bra on. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw some small bags under my eyes.

I gently knocked on the bathroom door then asked, "May I come back in?"

"Yeah," Error's muffled voice said.

I picked up the dress off of the floor before putting it into the laundry bin. I opened the door to see Error looking at himself in the mirror.

"Do you remember what happened last night?"
Error asked, looking at me.

I looked at him as I felt my face get a bit warm.

"Yeah, I do. You?"

He nodded then said, "Sorry for how I acted. I was a bit tipsy from the wine."

"It's fine, I was tipsy too. And anyway, I didn't mind how you acted, I actually liked how dominant you were."

Error's face quickly got coated in blush. He lifted his shirt up, hiding his face. His glitches had multiplied.

I sat on the bed then said, "Sorry, I thought I would say that."

I gently rubbed my neck, looking at the floor.

"It's fine, I just wasn't expecting you to say that."

I looked at him and saw him lower his shirt down from his face. He then looked at me before walking a bit closer. His glitches calmed down as I patted the side by me on the bed. He sat down by me. We looked at each other for a little bit. I eventually broke the silence that was happening.

"I had fun last night. I would like to go on another date with you some time."

He gently blushed then said, "I have fun too. I just thought that I went too far because of me being slightly drunk."

"It's ok, that's what happens sometimes and no, you didn't go too far."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

I saw him slowly lift his hands. He then gently cupped my face. I felt myself smile as he looked at me with such gentleness.

He then leaned over and gently pecked a kiss on the top of my head. I felt my face gently flush with blush as he looked at me. He moved his hands off of my face. He seemed unsure.

I then gently smiled then said, "Thank you."

"No problem," he softly said, sounding relieved.

I looked at him for a bit then asked, "May I give you a kiss on the cheek?"

He slowly nodded, then said, "Go ahead."

I then nodded; I gently placed my hand on his shoulder then pecked a kiss on his cheek. I moved my hand and looked at him. He softly blushed as he looked at me.

Suddenly, my stomach growled. I heard Error chuckle and I looked away feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Let's get breakfast," Error gently said.

We walked out the room then to Error's room. He went in to switch his clothes as I waited outside of his room.

Once Error switched into some comfortable clothes, we went downstairs. We were walking past the living room to the kitchen.

As we were walking, I saw Horror laying on the sofa with Lust laying on top of him.

I guess some things happened while I was gone yesterday. It also seems like Horror got his dream come true, he's with his crush.

I felt happy for once. Even though it was weakening me, I didn't care. I was glad that my team was happy and not feeling depressed or sad or something negative. It's something positive and I didn't mind.

I just wished that times like these would last but not all good things last forever.

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