Chapter 24

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
I felt like I was in some kind of dream but I knew I was in the dreamscape. I could sense my brother's fear. He was calling out to me. I wanted to help him but my body was weak. I'm just glad that it wasn't weak in the dreamscape.

I began walking around to find my brother. When I was walking, I heard some sobbing. It eventually got louder and louder. Soon enough, I saw my brother.

I rushed over to him. I saw he was covered with a blanket except for his head and his hands which were covering his face.

"Dream?" I gently asked, sitting by him.

He looked at me then tackled me into a tight hug yelling, "Brother!"

He began to sob into my shoulder; I noticed his body was a bit heavier than normal. I looked at him then widened my eye. He was in an ecto body.

"What happened?" I asked, hoping it's not what I think it is.

He looked at me then said, sniffling and stuttering, "It's Ink. He fucking got me pregnant." I gave him a concerned glance as he looked away before he added something. "He raped me.."

I was furious. I wanted to kill that damned squid. I looked at Dream. He planted his face back in my shoulder, sobbing. I began to rub his back.

"I want to help you but I'm in the hospital," I gently said..

He lifted his head then looked at me.

Tears were streaming down his face as he said, stuttering, "You're in the hospital? What happened?"

"Well," I started. "Killer had stabbed me, through my spine."

"I'm so sorry. I'll try to make it there to see you."

I suddenly could feel my body being lifted. Not in the dreamscape, outside of this place.

"Sorry brother, I have to go," I said.

He nodded, then said, "Alright."

He got off of me and quickly covered himself with the blanket.

I sat up then said, "I'll see you, even if I'm in the hospital. I'll find a way to see you and help you to the best of my ability."

He nodded as I felt myself wake up. I opened my eye to see that I was being taken somewhere. I gently groaned as I saw the bright lights of the hallway.

"Nightmare, you're being taken to a different room. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner before abruptly waking you up," Sci said.

"It's ok, I just hope it's soon because the lights in here are bright," I said, moving my hand hovering over my face.

He didn't say any more after that. I just want to make sure that Dream is ok after what Ink had done to him.

All I want to do is punch the fucking squid in the face so damn hard where he passes out and gets a bloody nose.

Dream's P. O. V.
When I woke up, I was in my room. I looked under the covers to see myself still naked. I sighed then sat up. I felt sick because of the pregnancy but what can I do when it's something I can't control? Nothing I guess.

I got out of bed then went to my dresser. I had no dresses, bras or anything that was woman related. I had never even considered myself being one.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I ask, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around me.

"It's me Error, I want to make sure you're alright."

I sighed in relief knowing it was someone I could trust.

"I'm ok, I could definitely be better."

"May I come in and talk with you if that's ok?"

I hummed softly then said, "Yeah, that's fine."

The door opened and Error walked in. He had a small garbage bin in his hand then set it by the door.

"I noticed your room didn't have a garbage can, so I grabbed one and brought it here," he gently said.

I then put my hand on my mouth feeling like I was going to puke my nonexistent guts. I hurried to the garbage bin and threw up. When I was done I was panting.

"Morning sickness?" Error softly asked me.

I nodded then said, still panting, "Yes do you know that I'm pregnant?"

"Horror and Lust told me. They were the ones who helped you to your room."

I nodded again, then said, "Did they put a blanket on me when they took me here?"

"Yes but Lust was the one who wrapped you in the blanket before Horror picked you up and took you here."

I then felt another wave hit me as I threw up some more into the garbage. After that wave was over I felt like I was going to pass out.

I suddenly felt a hand on my back. I looked and saw Error. I thought he had haphephobia. I wonder what changed.

"Let me take you to Night's room. He has some clothes that might help before you get some clothes for your pregnancy," Error softly said.

I nodded then said, panting some more, "Wait, he has woman clothing?"

Error nodded and helped me up. He led me to my brother's room then sat me on the bed. He then opened the closet and looked through the clothes. I saw him grab a baggy dark grey sweater and black leggings. He set them by me then grabbed another thing. It was a black bra.

"Here's the clothes that would work for now," Error said, setting the bra by me.

"Thank you," I said, looking at him.

He nodded then said, "I'll be outside of the room when you're dressed. After breakfast, we'll go to a maternity shop for you."

He then left the room and I began to get dressed. I just hope my brother is ok when we arrive.

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