Chapter 19

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Nightmare's P. O. V.
It's been at least a month and I feel like something is going to happen today. I can just feel it, I can feel it in my bones. Like something bad is going to happen. I just could not shake the feeling.

I laid on the sofa which was rare for me to do. When I do something I normally don't do, my team begins to freak out and make sure that I'm ok.

Don't get me wrong, it's really nice of them but, sometimes their kindness can be a bit too much. Like that kids show. What was it called? I think it was My Little Pony. Just too much kindness and too many predictable things happening. I know the show because of Killer, he always watched kid shows. I think he did that because of the mental trauma from his AU.

I suddenly felt a cold cloth on my head. I opened my eye and saw Error giving me a concerned glance.

"You feeling alright?" He softly asked.

I hummed, then said, "Yeah, I just can't shake this feeling."

"What kind of feeling?"

I went quiet trying to think of something to word how this feeling was.

"I guess it's a feeling of something is going to happen."

"In a bad way or good way."


He fell silent when he heard my response. He then lifted my head. I grabbed the rag off of my head then sat up, looking at him. He sat down where my head was laying he then patted his lap.

I scooted forward a bit before laying back down. My head was on his legs. I handed him the rag: he put it back on my head before looking at me gently.

"I hope nothing bad happens today," Error said, his voice softly wavering.

"I know, me too."

It fell silent again. We stayed like this for I don't know how long, all I knew it was probably for more then five minutes. Suddenly, I felt the rag lift off of my head. I looked at him as I saw him teleport the rag away.

He then placed his hand on my head. I closed my eye feeling a bit calm.


I looked to where the voice came from, I saw Cross. I felt Error move his hand off of my head. I sat up then looked at Cross.

"Yes Cross?" I asked.

"Here, I got the mail and this came in."

He handed me a letter. The handwriting was more of a messy-neat. I looked at the back and saw one of those fancy wax stamps. It was a symbol of a bird.

I opened it then took out the piece of paper. I opened the folded paper and something fell out. I picked up what had fallen out. It was small. It looked almost like a firework. A smoke bomb maybe. A very flat one if it is that.

I looked at the paper and didn't say much other than a few words.

'Come to —————. The surface near the ocean is where we'll meet.'

That's all it said. I looked at Error as I handed it to him.

"Is it something bad?" Cross asked.

"No, it's just saying to go somewhere but the name was crossed off. And I still don't know what this thing is that was in the paper."

I looked at the small device. I stood up then headed to the back door. I opened it then walked out. I gently hissed when I saw the bright light from the sun and sky.

I looked at my hand that held the device. I looked at it then widened my eyes. I then opened a portal to an empty void then dropped it through. As the portal closed, there was a loud boom.

I flinched then went back inside. I saw Cross and Error looking at me.

"What was that loud boom?" Error asked concerned and confused.

"It was that strange device," I said, walking over to the sofa and sitting by Error.

"That's what that was?" Cross asked, confused.

"Yeah, I realized it was C4."

"Oh shit.." Error quietly said.

I looked at Error as I heard him whisper something. He suddenly cupped my face in his hands then looked at my face. I could sense Cross's uncertainty and confusion.

Error gently bumped my head with his then whispered, "I'm glad you're ok. You don't look injured, which I'm glad for."

I gently smiled then whispered, "Me too, I'm glad I reacted quick enough."

I felt Cross's gaze on us change to somewhere else. I closed my eye as I felt calm. I felt Error gently place his hands on my waist. I slowly moved my arms around his neck. I looked at Error and he looked at me.

I kinda wanted to kiss him even though Cross was still here. I gently tilted my head and leaned forward. I could tell Error was leaning over as well.


I froze in place before pulling away and looking. I didn't see anyone. I looked behind Error and saw Dream. He seemed really stressed out.

I moved my arms off of Error and he let go of me. I looked at Error, he seemed a bit upset.

I leaned over to his ear and whispered, "How about tonight, meet me in my room."

He nodded then whispered back, "Ok but I don't want to have another night being drunk and kissing you messily."

I felt my face quickly flush. He looked at me before giving me a gentle smile before teleporting away. I looked over and saw Cross talking with Dream.

I stood up then walked over to them; I heard Dream's panicked voice. Dream looked at me before running over and spoke in a rushed tone. I couldn't even understand a single thing he said.

I placed my hands on his shoulders as I looked at him, saying, "Brother, breath and tell me what's wrong."

He took a deep breath before speaking slower.

"I was taking a walk by the ocean right?" Dream asked.

I nodded, then said, "Yeah, what happened while you were on that walk?"

"Well," he started. "I saw Ink and he saw me."

I widened my eye then said, "Is he here? Did he follow you?"

"That's where I'm not sure. He turned into a puddle of ink."

I sighed then said, "Let's do a walk-about and see."

He nodded before walking toward the front door: I followed him. We got to the front door, I slipped on my slippers before opening the door. He thanked me for opening the door before walking out. I went out and we began walking around.

Suddenly, there was a loud boom like a bomb or some big firework went off. I looked at the direction it had come from. I widened my eyes to see Ink, XGaster, and Killer.

I had a feeling that's where the sick fucker went.

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