Chapter 26

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Error's P. O. V.
Dream and I rushed to Night's room. When we arrived, I was in absolute horror. I saw Night gripping the sheets on the bed. He seemed like was about to scream bloody murder. I hurried in there and went to his side.

I saw Dream grab the remote and clicked the button for service. I looked at the monitor for Night's soul rate and it was through the roof. Why isn't an alarm going off?

"Night, look at me," I gently said, placing my hands on one of the handles on the bed.

He quickly looked at me with the most pain filled, stressed, and confused look.

"Error," he stuttered out, pain radiating from his voice.

I held my arms out, silently telling him if he wanted a hug. He just stared at me before nodding. I gently lifted him up with my magic before getting on the bed and holding him in my lap, his back on my chest. He turned himself around, moving some of the medical cords that were on him. He hid his face on my shoulder and cried loudly.

Something wasn't right, he normally wouldn't act this way. Let alone with anyone around but me. He gripped his hands on my red sweater as I gently wrapped my arms around his waist.

I soon saw some nurses, doctors, and Sci rush in. They looked at me and Night as his cries became louder. I realized it now, he was having a panic attack.

I gently placed my hand on his cheek and looked at him, whispering, "Shh, calm. I'm here. I'm here baby. You're on my lap and I'm holding you. Take deep breaths for me, ok?"

He shakily nodded as he tried to take deep breaths but it quickened quickly. He looked at me with the most scared look I've ever seen him.

I looked at him concerningly then gently said, "Ok, take deep breaths with me. I'll say, in, 2, 3..hold, 2, 3...out, 2, 3..hold, 2, 3.. and so on. Ready?"

He nodded again but loosened his hands and placed them on my chest.

"Ok, in, 2, 3.." I gently said.

I could feel him taking a deep breath. I moved my hand off of his cheek and gently moved my hand on his back to support his spine.

"Hold, 2, 3.."

He did as I said.

"Out, 2, 3.."

He did that as well.

"Hold, 2, 3.."

And again.

We continued to do this for a while till I could tell he was mostly calmed down. He moved his hands off of my chest then leaned most of his weight on me, him resting his head on my shoulder. I began to rub his back gently as I felt him softly shake.

"You feeling better? Did something happen to trigger that panic attack?" I softly asked.

Sci, doctors and nurses were surprised that I had calmed him down kinda quickly.

"I'm ok was XGaster," he stuttered out.

I widened my eyes then gently asked, "What did he say or do?"

He looked at me, tears streaming down his cheek, saying, "He told me something but he didn't want me to share it." He then leaned closer to my 'ear' then whispered, "He told me that Ink wanted me or Dream to marry him. I told him that there's no way of that happening. He replied with a threat, mostly of killing me and telling me that I'm a worthless piece of shit, and he gave me a warning of the future."

I looked at him then whispered, "What was this warning?"

He leaned over to my 'ear' again then whispered, "Ink is planning some nasty shit. He was planning on burning the palace down. Well, that was until he realized it wasn't made out of a form of wood or something that burns. It's made out of brick for the most part. So, he was going to try to break it down."

He looked at me with a worried glance.

"I'm scared Error, I don't want our home to go down. I'm too weak to fight him. I know because of my health and my injury I'll be down for a bit. I knew my health has been degrading and same with my physical form. I'm a lot weaker than I had been. I was stronger back when Dreamtale was still mine and my brother's AU."

I couldn't believe what he just told me. I knew his health was bad but it's gotten worse. I couldn't help but to tear up. He looked at me with sadness.

"I love you but it'll be a bit longer before I'll be back home. If I was there, there would be doctors and nurses running around, making sure I'm in an ok condition," Night softly said, lifting his right hand on my cheek.

That broke me, I began to cry more. I didn't want this to happen.

"I love you too," I quietly stuttered out.

"Hey, baby, look at me," he softly said.

I looked at him as I listened carefully to his words.

"If I die because of my health, it doesn't mean I won't be with you. I'll be by your side, not physically but mentally. Just know that, no matter what, I love you with all of my soul. If my health gets better, let's get married, ok? Sound good?"

"Babe.." I gently whispered.

His other hand was placed on my cheek. He held my face in his hands. His gaze was so gentle and yet, I could tell he was in pain. He was gently shaking on my lap as well.

"I just want to know that you're ok, ok? Call me at any time you'd like. I love you with all my soul and I'll do the best I can so I can heal up quickly and come back to the palace."

He let go of my face then bumped the top of our skulls together.

"I know they are watching us still but I just want to know if you're ok," he softly whispered.

"I'm ok," I whispered. "Please call me when you can, I worry about you so much," I added, still whispering.

Suddenly someone cleared their throat. Both myself and Night looked. We saw Sci by us.

"I'm sorry to break your guys' moment but we need to do some tests on Nightmare," Sci said, holding his clipboard kinda close to his chest.

I nodded then said, "Ok, I'll move and you guys can do some tests on him."

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