Chapter 32

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Error's P. O. V.
I had just finished getting Night some pretty dresses I knew he would like. As I began to walk back to the palace, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw Dream was calling me. I was confused but still answered. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "No, Nightmare stood up and collapsed onto the ground. We called Sci and he's going to take him to the hospital."

I widened my eyes. "Why did he pass out or do you know?" "He just told me and Dust that he was tired then felt ill." "I'll see you guys soon." I then hung up on the phone and teleported to the palace. I opened the front door and rushed in. I hated how this place had somewhat long hallways. I then saw Sci hurrying and followed him. I teleported the clothes to our room; I saw Nightmare laying on the ground with Dream and Dust by him. They looked at us, both of them looked really worried.

"Let's get him into the hospital. I'll grab a stretcher along with a few nurses," Sci said, sounding rushed. He then teleported away. I went over to Night and saw the tired expression on his face. I was worried, I just wanted to know if he'll be ok.


It had been a couple of hours. The nurses finally let us into the room. What I mean by us is Dust, Dream and myself. The three of us walked in and saw Night laying in the medical bed. I went to the right side and looked at his hand and arm. There were lots of medical wires. I looked behind me to see his soul rate along with blood pressure. It seemed a bit higher than normal.

Sci walked in, he went over to the chair by the computer and sat down. He logged into the computer then said, "So tell me, what happened before you called me." Dream and Dust told him and I just looked at Night. The expression on his face held worry, fear, pain, and tiredness. I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek, I gently rubbed my thumb on his cheek. Please get better, my love.

"Ok so, I ran a few tests. Dream and Dust, may you two leave the room?" I looked up to see Dream and Dust nodding before leaving the room, shutting the door behind them. I looked at Sci and his expression was serious. "Are the test results in?" I asked, concern in my tone. He took his glasses off then said, "Yes, they are in. What news do you want to hear first, good or bad?" I thought for a few seconds then said, "Good news first."

He nodded then said, "It seems like Nightmare is going to be ok but he will have to stay here. His health needs to be monitored because I've noticed it getting worse from when I last checked." I nodded, then said, "And the bad news?" He seemed like he looked a bit sad. Oh no, please don't tell me what I think it is. "I'm sorry to say but Nightmare ended up having a miscarriage. We did all we could but the baby still died."

I couldn't believe it. I moved my hand off of his cheek then both of my hands to cover my mouth. I felt like I was going to cry. All of this work for a stupid miscarage to happen? Why? Why must we be punished for something that we didn't want to happen? I guess it's fate twisting the rules for us. "I'm so sorry but we will have to put him into labor. The baby can't be in his body for too long or more problems will occur."

I gently gulped then said, moving my hands from my mouth, "Ok, let's just get it over with. I don't want him to have more problems than he already has." He nodded then said, "Ok, go ahead and wake him up. I'll talk with Dream and Dust and tell some nurses to head to this room." I nodded as I saw him leave the room.

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