𝟎𝟎𝟔 | A Big Fat Phoque-ing Therapist.

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"Oh my gosh," Demi squealed in the passenger seat of Andre's car

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"Oh my gosh," Demi squealed in the passenger seat of Andre's car. She bounced in her seat, brown eyes lit up with excitement, "I can't believe we did that,"

Andre glanced over at the bubbly girl high on elation, a smile tugging at his lips at her infectious giggling. They were on their way to McDonalds after their Life Studies presentation and Adre could not just stop looking at Demi. Even though he tried to keep his gaze respectful, Andre could not deny that Demi looked like a fucking goddess. While she had always looked beautiful without makeup and tight clothing, those additions accentuated the beauty even more.

But, Andre could not help but notice the little things about Abidemi Coker.

Like the way her dimples hollow in her dark cheeks when she really smiles.

The way her plump lips pouted deliciously when she pleaded for him to take her to eat.

Or how her fluffy curls smell of coconut and bounce with every movement.


"Andre? Are you listening to me?" Demi interrupted softly, and Andre quickly turned to her and faced the road once more.

"Oh yes, chérie. I am listening,"

Demi's sleek brows furrowed in confusion, then she sighed, and chewed her bottom lip, "I feel like I'm rambling like an idiot. Sorry,"

Andre's green orbs focused on hers as the stop light ahead turned red. His sharp gaze bored into her chocolate-brown ones. When he spoke, his voice was a low rumble, demanding, "Do not ever apologize for experiencing emotions. "

Shocked at the intensity with which Andre presented his words, Demi's gaze widened, her breath hitching softly. After a few never-ending moments of silence, she slowly nodded, shrinking into his jacket as she turned to face the road, biting her lip.

Just as the light turned green, Andre reached down and laced their fingers together. As their fingers intertwined and his car, Emilie growled to life, Andre felt his heart pound in his chest, feeling her soft hands around his.


"So what would you like, Demi?" Andre inquired, stuffing his hands in his jacket to avoid absurdly grasping her hand as they stood in the long line to order their food. The petite girl in question was practically drowning his jacket as she salivated over the junk food on the menu board.

"Um..." Her nose scrunched adorably as she thought, looking at the large menu, "A McChicken combo with a Sprite. Which you are buying," Demi ended her request with a bold grin, slightly hitting his chest softly. It was becoming harder and harder to remember that they were only agreeing so that she could date Rio de Santos. Andre raised an eyebrow, playing along.

"And whatever made you believe that I would be paying for your food?"

At once, her grin dropped as her brown eyes widened in surprise. Demi looked down at her Jordan 5s, playing with the ruffles of her dress nervously, she stammered out, "I'm s-sorry. You don't h-have to," She turned towards the exit, to where the car was parked, "Let me go get my wallet,"

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