Chapter Six

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Jannie's Pov
With a very light thump on the floor my bag made contact with the hard wood floor of the inn. Oh finally I can relax in peace without ever few second one of my family members were questioning me. In the end me and Sasuke stayed one night at my family house, and it had its good perks and bad perks.

My mom's cooking was unbelievable, and my siblings bugged the hell out of Sasuke my sister even asking if he needed a third wife.

The face he made was enough to make me laugh the whole dinner.

"Well that was a first fun day wasn't it Sasuke?" I questioned out stretching my arms out humming a little.

I didn't get an answer for a moment so I spun around just to be swooped up right off my feet making me squeal loudly in shock. I was just trying to fix my curly hair looking up Sasuke was shirtless wearing basically nothing.

I was in shocked feeling his hands and arms under my legs. "Sasuke what are you doing? Did you come back from the bathing area?" I questioned watching him slowly shake out his wet black hair he nodded his head a few times a small chuckle leaving him.

He leaned his face towards mine in one quick go pulling me into a very deep and needy like kiss his lips moving with mine greatly.

I was left speechless from the very deep kiss his grip tightening on the back of my thighs.  My hand coming in contact to grip his cheek bringing him closer to me.

A very soft like grunt left him before he was mumbling on my lips shutting the door to room with one quick motion of his foot.

"I think it's time we start our own love making hmm? Three months of it." He whispers on my lips.

"Sasuke Uchiha you are gonna break me... Be gentle." I giggled nervous like.

"Jannie Uchiha I think you can take it, but I'll be gentle baby."

Two months I don't even know how the honeymoon went by so quickly, but I was able to enjoy myself sort of. When me and Sasuke weren't in the bedroom doing baby making which he did three times a day. I was showing him around my home village showing him different things.

It seemed when he wasn't worried about missions he could actually enjoy himself, try different foods, smile and laugh sometimes he tried to play it off by being his usual cold and blunt person. I was laying on the floor in the inn reading a book with it basically shoved into my entire face.

God my back hurts. I whined quietly I was so interested in the book I wasn't even paying attention to my surroundings till I felt hands on my thighs.

"Jannie." I moved the book away from my face seeing a very messy haired Sasuke looking down at me.

"Wow I can actually see your eyes today babe, you always have them covered." I laughed quietly seeing him roll his eyes playfully at me.

"Go ahead, I just need to finish this chapter, then we can watch the lanterns later." I muttered looking away for a moment focusing on the words.

"Alright baby. " I blinked a couple times since his actions halted.

"Jannie...? Are you already pregnant?" I moved the book away yet again.

"Sasuke what are you talking about?" I questioned sitting up sitting him also still between my legs he gestured to my abdomen when my shirt rolled up.

"Okay so like don't take this the wrong way, or hit me but you are like a little chubby." My round eyes blinked a few times before I started laughing quietly.

"Just say fat babe, I know I call myself fat with the amount of us dumplings I can eat." I snickered but I looked down at my stomach a little. There was a small imprint on my stomach of weight.

"Well would you look at that?" I mumbled blinking my palm grazing over it a few times. I then looked back up at Sasuke who was staring in awe.

"Sasuke I wouldn't know the symptoms, hell I was a virgin two months ago!" I exclaimed at him.

"Use your Byakugan, Jannie you idiot!" He exclaimed back looking at me. I then blinked even more and smacked his forehead.

"Yell at me again, shut up." I rolled my eyes also but focused my eyes near bellow.

"Byakugan." I muttered humming quietly I just gotta see the fetus. I peeked as much as I can before I pointed.

"I see something... Well Sasuke." I laughed quietly looking back up letting the byakugan fade.

"Looks like I'm pregnant I'm shocked I didn't really feel a change but looks like your Uchiha sperm works."

Sasukes's entire face grew red all of a sudden. "Don't say it like that Jannie."

"You call us having sex baby making, what else am I gonna say? Maybe my husband is also an idiot. But I shouldn't be shocked everyday for two months?"

"You know now you have to live at the house right?"

"Yeah no I'll be staying at my apartment or with Neji, rules are in place for second wife." I folded my arms a bit but I watched Sasuke curious like when he laid his head on my thighs and hugged me a bit. I looked down at him more a small smile making its way over my face before I stroked at his hair a couple times inhaling. No Jannie... Remember the rule no falling in love.

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