Chapter One

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Jannie's Pov
Ever since I was younger, I drifted a little away from the hidden leaf village. It was my home growing up. I remember all the fun I had with Neji and Hinata, even with the whole Hyuga clan branches and main house stuff.

I remember basically everything from when I was twelve to when I was sixteen when I went off on my own. I would always be a ninja from the leaf, and of course a Hyuga clan member.

The eyes never lie. After the fourth great ninja war, things slowly took a couple years for things to go into a balance. I found myself always traveling from the different lands for different missions.

It was hard to just stay in one place. I enjoyed traveling and seeing different places I hadn't been. But knowing me and the amount of traveling I've been doing since I was sixteen I've seen all the places at least once or a couples times.

I was now almost thirty, not really married or having any kids doing a mission near the sound village. It was more an Intel mission.

I sighed quietly messing with my hair that I had took down now having it flowing through and down my back and shoulders a bit sitting at my post.

"This is taking longer then I would have liked." I mumbled quietly shutting my eyes for a moment I wasn't too into or focused till I opened my eyes to see a set of curious familiar eyes were watching me really closely.

Hmm well I'll be damned... Is this Sasuke Uchiha...? I thought in surprise. I did hear around that Sasuke was like rouge travel ninja now.

I watched his eyes grow a little in size when he stared at my eyes.

"Huh? You have Hyuga clan eyes, that means you can use byakugan?" He questioned staring at me.

I let a small gasp out and held my hand towards my chest chuckling.

"I'm offended you don't remember me Sasuke, but I did always leave the village. I'm Jannie, I'm Hinata and Neji's cousin. I was born from another side of the branch." I chuckled seeing Sasuke had such this confused expression like he stopped working for a minute before he was sitting across from me.

"Cousin? I vaguely remember you, you were at the chunin exams, and I think I remember Kakashi when he became Hokage giving you free rome on missions. My memory is shit though." I chuckled quietly a little.

"No you got it correct, so how's the leaf been? I don't think I've been back in like a year maybe longer. Maybe." I laughed casually at his shocked expression before he cracked a small grin.

"I think it's been longer then that Jannie, did you even know that Hinata and Naruto got married? Or that they had two kids. Do you even know I got married to Sakura and had a daughter."

Once again my mouth formed a small o quite quickly and I sat up when I heard that.

"Woah... Holy shit okay maybe it has been way longer then that." I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my head.

"Kids?! What about Neji?" I asked Sasuke hummed a little bit gazed at me focused.

"He's alive but said he didn't wanna actually have kids, he's adopted. Him and Tenten are together." He answers, I fluttered my eyes a few times.

"Wow everyone is getting so... Old." I laughed out.

"You don't even look the same Sasuke, what are you doing all the way out here in the sound village?" I questioned placing my hands on my lap.

"I'm doing a mission for Naruto, he became Hokage I should be heading back next week possible sooner, you should come with." I blinked my eyes.

"I guess it couldn't hurt." I muttered clipping my leaf head band back around my neck a little letting it stay there a bit, bringing my hair back.

"So you said you have a daughter?"  I asked interested watching Sasuke flick his hair from his eyes a bit exposing both eyes to me.

"Yeah Sadara, she's twelve, she's on a team with Naruto's son Boruto and Orochimaru's son Mitzuki.  Jannie you literally haven't been back to the village for twelve years what the hell have you been doing for twelve years? You should be settled down." He gestured a little.

"I help around, I get paid, I travel you know I do simple things" I giggled softly.

"When you were younger Sasuke, you said you wanted to restore your clan, now I don't wanna sound you know. It's not rude. You said you had a daughter?  Doesn't a male carry the genes for you know Uchiha's it's the same for Hyuga's the male carries on the name.  So if Neji and Tenten have kids, males. I don't think you can restore your clan with just a daughter, you need a couple sons as well." I told him.

Slowly his face twisted into so much thought before he was tugging at his gloves slowly.

"I... Never thought about it that way." He rubbed at his hands slowly.

"Are you married Jannie?"

"I haven't found a guy I like enough to get married, plus that means I have to settle down in one place."

"Get married to me, and become my second wife and have my babies."

"I was totally not expecting that!"

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