Chapter Five

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Jannie's Pov
"Bye Ino! Don't attack Sai if he doesn't come home for dinner!" I took once glance over my shoulder waving at her when she returned it.

"I'll try! Have fun with Sasuke. " She snickered sending me a playful smirk who me I rolled my eyes amused shutting the door behind me.

I was mentally prepared I mean how bad could a honeymoon be with Sasuke. Plus I was taking him where the other branch of the Hyuga clan stays. Aka where my side of the family lives. I looked a little startled but relaxed my posture seeing him standing there.

"Hey Sasuke." I chuckled placing my free hand over my chest.

"Hey Jannie, here I brought your stuff so its quicker." He reached his hand out to hand me the bag I had packed up.

"Well I never knew you could be sweet Sasuke thank you." I chuckled tossing the backpack on over my shoulder feeling him grab my hand we started walking down the path to the main gate.

"I can be sweet when I try most times, so wehre are we off too?" He questioned glancing at me. I shot him a grin pulling him along with me faster.

"You'll see come on babe."

"I think I have an idiot as a second wife."

"Ouch you hurt my little heart come on,"

After leaving the village it was a quite peaceful three day trip, Sasuke some times could get talkative when he wanted to, he also could have his dumb moments of saying the most random things you'd ever hear.

"Alright ready?" He nodded his head at me watching me curious like.  "We can check in the inn after you know this meeting." I laughed nervously feeling him playing with the ring on my finger.

"There's no rush baby, will be here for a couple months." The door to the house yanked open and I grinned excited like seeing my mom who gasped.

"Mom!" I exclaimed loudly with happiness but she quickly tossed me in a fast hug squealing as she squeezed the day lights out of me.

"Jannie! You're home where have you been?! Had me worried sick." I winced laughing gently rubbing her back.

"Mom I told you, I just like moving around a lot that's all." I chuckled lightly she pulled away looking at me sternly but she turned her attention to Sasuke who finally seemed to click with realisation.

"Mom, this is Sasuke Uchiha, you know him from the Uchiha clan he's now well my husband, I'm his second wife. " I introduced her. My mom tilted her head before she gasped.

"Oh Jannie! Are you helping him restore the Uchiha clan? That actually makes sense he would need more wives." She laughed I chuckled.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you." Sasuke greeted her tilting her head. "You can just call me Kamila sweet heart, come inside, I wish Jannie would have sent me a letter, you could have met her brother and sister." She whined allowing us inside the house.

Sasuke looked around a little curious looking at me. "You have siblings?" He questioned so fast gazing at me.

"They kinda hate me, well my brother just teases a lot, now my sister she hates me." I shrugged a little chuckling loosely running my hands through my hair laughing nervously.

"She doesn't hate you, she's just is odd." My mom exclaimed leading us to the living room.  "Yeah, yeah where is dad?" I questioned amused.

"Out taking a trip to the market, sit Sasuke tell me what have you been doing these days? Jannie I'm surprised you married an Uchiha, totally would have guessed Neji." I made the most grossed out face I could muster up.

"Ew mom that's gross he's my cousin." I grumbled out taking a look at all the decor she still had up.

"Technically, In a pure blood like the Hyuga clan cousins marry." She declared out. I waved my hand off at her chuckling not wanting to have this talk.

"Actually I'm curious how come this side of the Hyuga branch live out from the leaf? Are you guys still part of the leaf?" Sasuke let his question out curious like sitting back on the couch.

"Yes we are still part of the branch, and the leaf, but it's kinda like the main branch and side branch we are the right side, which is why our eyes have developed a bit more differently." Sasuke shot his gaze over to me confused for clarification.

"We basically have the same eye abilities of the main branch, expect beside seeing your chakra points, I can see your aura which is different from Chakra tells me what kind of person you are." Sasuke perked up almost so surprised.

"Hm.. Is that so, what kind of aura do I have?" I folded my arms over my chest firmly.  "Byakugan." I muttered activating my eyes he had a light grey aura surrounding him.

"Your aura is grey." I muttered relaxing my lilac like eyes a bit wincing slightly.  "It means you carry a heavy heart, regret, but at the end of the time you were just misunderstood." I finished off smiling.

Sasuke's eyes were a very wide shape but he then relaxed cracking a small smile at me not saying anything bowing his head a bit at me.

"See Sasuke you picked the right girl for this, though my daughter can be really stupid some times has she cooked for you yet! Don't let her near the stove it will explode."

"I'm right here you know!"

"Yeah she's an idiot... But she's my idiot now too."

"Sasuke shhh you aren't helping zip it."

"Wanna see baby pictures?"

"Oh yeah no questions asked."

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