Chapter Two

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Jannie's Pov
For the rest of the week I talked to Sasuke wondering what exactly was running through his mind really. Maybe he you know hit his head. Or maybe the talk we had was way too real.

All I knew was that he wasn't gonna let it go anytime soon. We had helped one another in our missions and had completed them. Soon I found myself the very next week traveling back with Sasuke to the leaf.

"It's not a bad idea really Sasuke, you wanna speed up the process." I chuckled glancing over at Sasuke while I was messing with my hair.

"Can you imagine our genes mixing? The byakugan and the Sharingan?" He questioned quietly towards me.

"That would pretty awesome actually, one red eyed the other a light purple, but shouldn't you be sending your wife like a heads up? Like hey I'm bringing home another women." I snickered watching Sasuke running his hands through his bangs and hair.

"I did send a letter, but by the time it arrives will be back at leaf." He answered. I hummed still messing with my hair looking down the path curious like.

"Sakura right? So tell me has she gotten any better then from what I remember." I let my hands fall from my hair to rest my hands over my chest while I kept walking focused.

"By if you mean annoying? No she's less annoying now, I'm trying to find the words to describe how she is." I wiggled my nose deeply a little.

"Well here's what I think, Sakura is quite powerful, just...she was useless with the way she used her power." I tilted my head a little chuckling quietly looking around at my surroundings.

"That's a way to describe it..." Sasuke chuckled lightly and with that we were off in our own silence.

"Well here it is the leaf... It's kinda change like technology wise lots of trains and stuff." Sasuke glanced towards me while I was looking in quite awe.

"Wow doesn't even look the same." I whispered cracking a smile. Sasuke cleared his throat.

"We should head to the Hokage office, Naruto should be there. He is always there." He held out his hand for me which I took gripping my back pack close.  I followed besides Sasuke looking around a bit. It felt  so familiar but at the same time it was so different.

We arrived at the round red building Sasuke greeting a few jonin. We walked inside.

"Hey Shikamaru, is Naruto in?" Sasuke questioned. I looked a little in surprise seeing Shikamaru carrying a few large stacks of paper.

"Like always, you reporting back from the mission, wait who is this?" Shikamaru questioned at me missing towards me. I smiled bowing my head a little.

"Hey Shikamaru, I don't really expect you to remember me but I'm Jannie, Jannie Hyuga." I giggled a little at his shocked expression.

"She's gonna be my second wife, I don't have a lot to explain." Sasuke flicked his hair from his eyes. Before we entered the office. There so many papers I though looking around a bit.

"Sasuke? I see you are back from your mission, and you brought -" Naruto looked up at me and I quickly let Sasuke's hand down throwing my arms up.

"Naruto!" I exclaimed watching a large grin spread across his face before he was standing up.

"Jannie is that you!" He yelled laughing quietly he threw me in a fast hug which I returned.

"You are old." I laughed quietly feeling him squeeze me deeply.

"It's been forever Jannie! Like twelve years where the hell have you been." Naruto scolded me once we pulled away.

"Helping other villages... Traveling oh and I ran into Sasuke." I answered chuckling nudging Sasuke who nodded his head deeply.

"She helped me with one of my missions but I was wondering Naruto is there like a policy in the rules that says you can't marry more then one person?" Sasuke asked placing his free hand on his hip a little. Naruto looked confused.

"Uh... I don't think so that last time I checked, you can have more then one wife or husband and stuff." Naruto laughed rubbing the back of his head.

"How come?" Naruto asked folding his arms across his chest.

"I wanna marry Jannie and have her be my second wife, she already agreed to have my babies. She isn't being like forced." The face Naruto made had me laughing quite loudly.

"A second wife? Why do you need a second wife?!" Naruto exclaimed fast.

"How the hell am I gonna restore my clan Naruto with just a daughter? I have to have a few boys, Jannie just reminded me they use to do this in like old old times, have multiple wives, Naruto I'm getting old okay, and me and Sakura haven't had another kid.
The Uchiha clan... I need to do this." Naruto looked at me.

"He has point Naruto, like with the Hyuga clan, we have Neji but since Hinata has your name now, Neji is the only one who can carry it on with his kids." I explained Naruto slowly started rubbing at his forehead.

"Why do I have a feeling that this is gonna cause trouble? I see the point, I have Boruto carrying the Uzumaki name and logically you do need a male heir, it's not against the leaf rules Sasuke, Jannie." I nodded my head.

"But you two will have to handle the consequences with Sadara and Sakura, Jannie let's get your leaf residency renewed and stuff where are you staying?" Naruto asked me.

"I was thinking I could stay in my own apartment, I don't wanna cause even more trouble intruding in their private home." I spoke calmly.

"How the hell are we gonna do baby making Jannie, when you are half way down the street?" Sasuke grumbled.

I let another laugh out "Sasuke we will figure that out later you weirdo." I muttered

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