Chapter Eight

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Jannie's Pov
"So you and Sakura don't see eye to eye do you?"

"Neji don't ask stupid questions." A small laugh left me, glancing around the table for a quick second tapping my chopsticks across my empty bowl, focusing on him seeing him staring at me with a clearly amused expression a crossed his features before he was speaking to me his tongue moving across his inner cheek.

"I know a few reasons why, nothing she can really do about it though." He shrugged his shoulders back slowly, pressing his palm on his chin, leaving me to stuff my entire face full of the rice and noodles alike. I felt my shirt almost rolling up exposing my stomach that had grown in months time now.

"I can't see eye to eye with her, and she shouldn't be forced to, I just don't like her personality that's all Neji it's not as bad as when we were young. But it's enough." I burped quietly muttering a small excuse me clearing my throat getting a laugh from my favorite cousin.

Spending time with him always eased my nerves, of course I loved spending time with Hinata and Boruto who just had the worse attitude for a kid his age. Himawari was adorable beyond anything. Very much a mix between Naruto and Hinata. It seemed like many things never changed.

"She's jealous that Sasuke is spending more time with you during your pregnancy then hers." I choked quietly on my water patting at my chest a few times.

"You are joking right? That's not what I heard, Sasuke told me he would come and go. He was nineteen still well. If what Naruto told me everyone minus you and Ten Ten were having kids. But then how do you have kids Neji?" I questioned he took a sip from his tea before speaking out.

"I adopted my twin sons and my daughter, and I love them like my own. Can't really see myself actually having kids. That's just from what I see, I mean I would be a little jealous your children's eyes alone. One could have a both eyes, you might even get lucky and have twins. One with the Byakugan in one eye, the Sharingan in the other of course Sakura would feel slightly threatened when all she can do is walk around with the Uchiha symbol on her back." The loudest snort choke left me when I tried to drink my tea, hiding to laughter.

"Neji! Thats so mean and you know it, she's just proud to be an Uchiha." I chuckled out.

"You technical are one too, I don't see you wearing the symbol all over." Neji dismissed it with a small wave of his hand.

"Well of course Sakura is his first wife, he's gonna ask her to so, the bloodline isn't well forgotten." I finished my tea with a hard chuckle standing up placing a hand on my stomach with a grunt. I placed a few bills down on the table to pay for my half.

"You know I love spending time Neji, but today we have to cut it a little short since well.. I'm meeting someone who I thought was dead." Neji tilted his head at me with curious eyes.

"Itachi, I'm meeting him today, and Sasuke wants me like actually at their house to meet him since he is visiting."

Neji rubbed at his chin.

"I'm coming with... I don't really trust Sasuke or any of them to be exact, maybe Sadara she isn't too annoying. Let's go." I couldn't even protest when Neji was guiding me out once he paid for his half.

"You know I'm older then you right Neji?"

"Doesn't stop me from babying you."

Of course meeting the famous Itachi Uchiha was a little nerve wracking he literally was a ninja in history down the line with Kakashi. I bowed my head slowly at him with a smile when he did the same to me.

"Hello Itachi it's really nice to meet you, I'm Jannie.. Well I'm Sasuke's second wife." I giggled quietly once I let his hand go, he turned back towards Sasuke his eyes wide, I squeaked watching Itachi smack him on the back of his head.

"What the hell was that for!" Sasuke exclaimed in shock holding his neck with a grumble.

"Do you even know who she is? That's Jannie Hyuga and you make her a second wife instead of first? How dumb can you get?! Her side of the Hyuga branches eyes are slightly more developed." Neji smirked a little from where he was sitting pressing his fist in his cheek.

"What does that mean for Miss Jannie?" Sadara questioned a little, Sakura rolled her eyes flipping through her magazine.

"It means when the children have proper training when they are younger they could grow up, to be really powerful, the reason why it's an awe like pregnancy Sadara is cause two different eyes have never matched together to make a child." Neji explained it to her. Itachi nodded his head firm like.

"It could even create a different branch of eyes, so yes it's exciting." Sasuke muttered meeting eyes with me.

"You don't need two wives Sasuke let me just take Jannie off your hands." A loud laugh left me in surprise when Itachi pulled me in for a side hug, I couldn't even tell if he was joking or being serious.

"You do look really far along." He muttered patting at the bump.

"I'm five months." I spoke through my laughter.

"Hands off my wife Itachi." Neji glanced over at Sakura who was grumbling.

"It's not all that impressive." She smirked shaking her head a couple times.

"Problem Sakura?" Neji questioned tying all his hair up, quickly letting Sadara sit next to him.

"None at all! Just thinking about the shifts at the hospital that's all." I chatted lightly with Itachi who still seemed to still be bantering playfully with Sasuke, leaving Neji to have whatever talk he had with Sakura.

"Miss Jannie may I touch your belly? You look like such a pretty watermelon." A soft laugh left me before I was inviting her over letting her rub at it gently.

"Of course sweetie I don't mind, I know I eat like one." I laughed nervous like. As her eyes widen behind her glasses.

"That's why I am taking you food shopping."

"You are just like Naruto all you do is eat ramen."

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