Chapter Nine

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Jannie's Pov
All I wanna do is sleep, but I suppose that's a little hard to come by now a days with a huge stomach the size of a large pumpkin. Or more or so I had a small slip up at home, I just shook it off since nothing really hurt for a little bit till now my entire stomach was hurting, like the world was gonna end. And Sasuke being the very dramatic being he was, forced me to the hospital. With me clicking to the couch, before he yanked me up carrying me away.

"I fall all the time Sasuke, come on I just wanna stay at my place and sleep." He ignored me for a moment flipping through the magazine roughly, taking a glance at me through the strands of his hair getting into his eye view, shaking his head side by side a couple times.

"You know you could be dying and you never would know it? Better safe than sorry. Plus Itachi is always on my ass now. He's like obsessed with you and the baby. Always asking where you are. If he finds out I didn't he'd kill me." I chuckled quietly but I leaned back in my chair resting my eyes for a moment.

"Cause he said I should be his wife. He makes me laugh so effortless it's crazy actually."


The only noise was us waiting, a few medical ninjas rushing by here and there. A couple minutes I had almost fallen asleep till I felt Sasuke had pushed my head so it was resting on his shoulders not saying anything else after a small while. I started to laugh quietly as I spoke to him a bit.

"Wow how romantic Sasuke." A very light side smile grew on his face while he chuckled.

"It won't happen again, so shush and enjoy."

"Huh come again?" I tilted my head pulling my hair away so I could listen more better at the blonde woman better known as Tsunade. She really doesn't age at all, she let her hands fade with her chakra fading for a moment as she spoke again, Sasuke's entire jaw was hung open.

"You are in early labor, and it's common when there's two fetus, you two are having twins. They are both boys congrats you both. Get comfortable you'll both be here for a little." I was quick to shoot my hands out to grip her wrist.

"Wait I'm in labor? But I don't feel anything- like I feel normal." She looked quite curious before she smiled at me.

"You're part the Hyuga clan no? You guys can cut off Chakra points, which most likely when you fell you hit your own chakra point." I was quick to nudge Sasuke, since he was just standing there looking shocked.

"Why are you just standing there shocked Sasuke! You're the one said to do it everyday."

"I didn't think it was gonna give you twins!" I started to laugh loudly at his very red face, Lady Tsunade had this smirk on her features making me lay back down on the bed.

"You two have a chemistry I haven't seen since Sai and Ino, it works actually. When did you two meet actually?" Sasuke plopped down in the chair next to me.

"I was doing a mission in the sound village, so was Jannie. Then she brought to my attention about how I needed male carries and-" He paused clearing his throat pressing his fist into his head a little a tired smile growing on his face.

"The rest is well history now." I nodded my head a few times after seeing her hands were going over my bump once more with the chakra flow.

"Not to really intrude, but Sasuke remember that marriages run of understanding, trust, the ability to lean on one another and chemistry." She looked between us with a soft expression before she shook her head a couple times.

"Call me if you need me. Since you aren't feeling your pain, nurses will be in here to check constantly." I gave her a soft nod watching her leave, head resting back onto the pillows, sighing as I spoke resting my hands over my stomach.

"For once you were correct Sasuke I'm sorry." He turned his attention back towards me, shaking his head in dismissal.

"Don't stress about it, how long does it usually take for a chakra point to go back to normal?" I faced the ceiling counting slightly  in my head.

"An hour at most. Which means I'll be feeling the pain soon." Sasuke sighed with a heavy chuckle flicking his hair a bit.

"I can't believe you're having twins-" He looked over at me more his eyes super wide even more.

"Neji calls your sperm, super sperm."

"Ha ha now he has a reason to hate me more."

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