Chapter Four

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Jannie's Pov
The first three weeks weren't all too bad. Finding work was a lot more easy then I expected since that's all Neji did was take on easy jobs around the village. Of course the little itch to travel was coursing through me.

I actually really enjoyed working at Ino's flower shop she became a best friend and I also would work at one of the local jewelry shop as well.

Rumors did spread around the village fast about Sasuke getting a second wife. They didn't know who she was, but the gossip kinda made me laugh when it shouldn't have.

I sat outside the flower shop during the lunch break with Neji both of us eating rice balls.

"So how is being married to Sasuke?" I took a bite from the ball in my hand humming quietly.

"Not all that bad, we just kinda hang out, talk about random things." I answered turning my attention to Neji who tucked his hair away fast behind his ears.

"And the gossip?" I swing my legs back and forth snickering softly a little.

"Well  it's funny... Cause well just listen." I gestured around. He lifted his head up to gaze around at people walking by.

"Did you hear about Sasuke's second wife?"

"Think she's hot?"

"Guess Sakura wasn't enough."

"Think about the Uchiha clan growing though."

"I bet Sakura is pissed."

I kept snickering quietly wiping the little crumbs of rice away hearing Neji breath out a very small chuckle.

"Never was one for gossip, so he isn't being rude to you? I can hit all his chakra points." I let a small laugh out.

"Neji so can I?" I snickered both of us sharing a small smirk with him.

"Nope but he is impatient about the baby making." I laughed glancing up for a minute finishing up with my food I glance up noticing a figure.

"Well speak and he shall come, hey Sasuke." I greeted him noticing a little black haired girl next to him with the same red eyes. With a set of red framed glasses on her face. I never thought I would see the day an Uchiha had glasses but it's kinda cute.

"Hey Jannie." He greeted me flashing a very small smile my way.

"Neji."  He greeted with a head nod.

"Hello again Sasuke, I just want you to know that if any harm comes to my cousin I'll make you wish you were dead." I slapped Neji gently on the back of his head laughing nervously.

"He doesn't mean that." I chuckled focusing on the girl.

"I do mean it what are you talking about ." Neji hissed out.

"You must be Sadara? Correct." I nodded towards the young girl who's eyes grew wide. But the young girl bowed her head at me.

"Oh yes! That's me you are Jannie right? Dad's second wife." I nodded my head a couple time.

"Yes that is me in all my glory, you are really beautiful." I told her with a smile standing up brushing off my pants.

"Can we talk?" Sasuke asked in a gentle tone.

"Sure." I answered.

"Sadara stay with Neji." Sasuke gently ordered the girl who nodded gazing at me fully.

"Don't understand why mom is so upset... She seems sweet maybe cause dad won't get to spend a lot of time with her." Sadara was muttering a lot under her breath but slowly me and Sasuke started walking down the road my hands placed behind my back.

"Are you all packed for the honeymoon?" I snapped my head back over towards Sasuke a little shocked.

"That's happening now?" I questioned rubbing my lips together.

"Yeah I said that didn't I? Forget the fact that you are halfway down the street, and my body hurts from missions, it can't hurt to go away for a month, pick a land and we can go." Sasuke wasn't very one for being subtle about things.

"Sasuke you get out of the village every chance you get, but if you insisting on me picking a place, I have the perfect place.  Sure you haven't been there kinda romantic, I spent a while there so the people know me." We stopped so we were standing in front of one another.

I placed my arms over my chest. "I trust you not to try and kill me in my sleep, or poison me so I can trust this." He chuckled gazing at me more.

"We leave today after you are done with work, when do you get off? Well when is Ino letting you off." I rubbed my black sandals all over the grovel.

"Around like five." I nodded my head firmly.

"Alright I'll come meet you here, so..." I saw the look on his face before I started laughing.

"Baby making? You can just say it, you say it when ever you come over." I started laughing brushing my hair over my shoulders.

"Yes we can start the baby making Mr Uchiha." He let a small laugh out rubbing at his cheeks.

"I actually was gonna ask what's your favorite flower?" I flashed him a small smile.

"Lillies they're simple, Ino has them all around the shop, now I gotta get back to work, be safe and spend some time with Sadara I can tell she adores you." I grinned leaning up, I planted a quick kiss on his lips of course shocking him since haven't shared a kiss since the small wedding we had but he then returned the kiss pulling me close to him.

We parted after a small minute and I heard loud gasping.

"Holy shit his second wife is from the Hyuga clan!"

"She's kinda hot though..."

Sasuke sighed rubbing at the bridge of his nose. "Village full of idiots." He grumbled out.

"Oh Uncle is gonna have such a great time with this, is gonna scold me told me to keep it quiet." I laughed gently.

I gave Sasuke's hand a quick squeeze feeling his hand graze over my ring. He lifted it up to his view cracking a grin "I picked a pretty good one." He mumbled when we started walking.

"Sasuke you told me it was forty dollars."

"Shut up Jannie, I was trying to be romantic."

"You suck at that big time babe."

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