Chapter Three

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Jannie's Pov
"He always has to go all out doesn't he?" I muttered looking around the apartment for a bit, a heavy sigh left me now with the hard truth washing down on me. I was really gonna have to stay in one place now. I freaking love traveling but I guess it's back to the Leaf for now. Can't be all that bad.

I officially got to meet Boruto and see Hinata again, who didn't stop hugging me for the first few hours, and Boruto was just confused. Himawari was a cutie and it felt nice to remember I had family and all. But now just came the more difficult part, Sakura and Sadara.

"Sasuke what are you doing here?" I questioned quietly noticing for a few days now he had been staying at the apartment a little bit. I watched him flick his eyes open a bit over towards me still wrapping his arm up nice and slow.

"I'm kinda scared to go home." A low laugh escaped from me while I started playing with the ring closely. 

"Sasuke if you were gonna be fearful for the outcome, the idea shouldn't have come into play, but everything is already set and the marriage certificate has been signed, if you're scared that I'm scared of Sakura don't be. I can handle myself no sweat." I smiled and switched my head over towards the door where the loudest bangs and knocks were coming from.

"Sasuke! I know you are in there come out right now!" Sasuke looked between me and door.

"Go before she breaks my door." I helped him up off the floor giving him a small push to the door hearing him sigh he yanked the door open and I got a very good look at Sakura. She looked very different.

"Okay first, you send me a letter out of nowhere talking about a second wife, second she's here a random woman and you are hiding her away? Sasuke if this is gonna be a thing, you can't keep it away from your first family." She snapped out.

"I actually didn't wanna meet you at first, because we've already met, I'm not a random woman. I'm Jannie, Jannie Hyuga. Well now it's also Uchiha." I appeared by Sasuke's side watching Sakura's eyes grow wide.

"Listen Sakura, your feelings are quite valid actually, I would be pissed if my husband just suddenly did something like this, but it's not really about love or anything. It's about babies and making sure the Uchiha clan doesn't die. Yes you are considered  an Uchiha and so is Sadara, but you need sons." She opened her mouth to protest.

"Sakura just listen don't talk please." Sasuke pleaded to her rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Yes I know that's true." Sakura grumbled out.

"I won't be living at the house cause that's just rude, I'll be living here doing my own things and jobs, now if you had said no, I don't like the idea of a second wife I wouldn't be here and I would have declined Sasuke's offer, but you said you didn't care which means. " I paused a little.

"We both have to mutual respect one another's boundaries, which means I won't talk to you unless you talk to me, I won't speak to Sadara. Unless there's a say so from you, and the same can go for my children." Sakura lifted an eyebrow and placed her hand on her hip.

"Are you already pregnant? Wow Sasuke you got to work really quick. She hasn't even been here less then a month." Sasuke grew an annoyed look.

"No I'm not pregnant truth be told I'm a virgin." I stated out.

"Wait what you are?" Sasuke questioned looking back at me startled.

"I told you- guys are gross there was like a close call a long time ago but it didn't feel right. " I explained.

"So wait you are telling me you've never slept with anyone like ever. " Sakura questioned a little in shock.

"Yeah plus I never have time for it." I laughed rubbing the back of my head.

"Your first time is gonna be with me? "  Sasuke said once more.

"Technically it's gonna be with my husband so yes correct. " I answered.

"I don't even wanna know as long as we give each other  space like good sister wives I don't care. " Sakura glared at me.

"Actually be home tonight Sasuke, Sadara misses you. " With that Sakura away. Sasuke relaxed a little leaning against the door frame slowly. "Well... That went a lot better then I was expecting." He muttered fixing his gloves.

"Yeah she could have hit you or me." I stepped back inside a little heading to the kitchen.

"I'm taking you on a honeymoon trip in a few days, so like packed a bag or something." He called shutting door behind him.

I called out goodbye to him getting ready to make some food thinking he left but I felt a kiss was placed on my cheek and forehead muttering a quiet goodbye. I chuckled quietly feeling embarrassed watching him leave.

I sighed leaning against the counter slowly. Man... This is already stressful as it is. I guess I should try and enjoy the free time I have.

Let's go pay Neji a visit me and him have always been close, plus he always cried when he sees me.

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