Chapter Ten

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Jannie's Pov
"I wanna see my nephews  move, move." I held back a tired snort that was inching to leave me so suddenly, sitting up the best I could in the bed with a low groan the soreness was gonna hit me at all angles now, carefully getting up glad Sasuke was passed out sleep in his chair with a blanket wrapped around his body.

"I shouldn't even be surprised that you and Itachi were some of the first people here to come see them Neji." I greeted him with a smile returning the hug he had given me, after moving around Sadara who was rearranging the flowers on the side table a soft chuckle leaving her while she scanned her eyes a couple times.

"Always gotta see my favorite cousin, I'm glad you are semi resting." I smiled at him gently urging him over to the little cribs watching him peer inside them both a soft grin growing on his face as he cooed in awe.

"Well hey there little ones... Do you know what color their eyes are?" He questioned seeming worried about the whole branch settlement between our clan. I gently pointed to Sami who was fast asleep gently rubbing his little back a couple times.

"One of his eyes is white. The other is brown which means we have to wait and see if his other eye awakes. His name is Sami he came first." I chuckled before moving around to where his brother was wide awake kicking his legs showing Neji who looked as he squinted.

"His eyes are white with.. Already swirls of light red really?" He looked back over towards me quickly a look over worry flashing across his face.

"Jannie you need to be careful okay? You know how the elders get, especially since two clans have never mixed together. In their eyes they'll see the twins as nothing as a power grab. No matter what don't let them get branded and keep your foot down." He told me suddenly.

I held back a small wince of more pain washing over me, wanting nothing more than to hit my own chakra point. I wouldn't be giving birth again anytime soon.

"The elders won't get the chance to take my sons and try and use them in that way. In all
actuality. It's not their branch, it's my families side." I sighed feeling him rub at my arms a couple.

"Me and Hinata won't allow for it to happen, she came by to visit?" He asked with a smile. I nodded with a soft chuckle slowly moving to sit on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Yeah her and Naruto came by with Boruto and brought me some gifts told me and Sasuke congratulations. He's been up since 1 am worrying. He finally was able to fall asleep when he knew they were sleep." I shook my head with a chuckle reaching my arm around to hug Sadara who sat on the bed with me giving me a soft hug.

"It's so like dad to be worrying till he passes out.  His habits never change." She rolled her eyes playfully squeezing at me before she flashed me an apologetic smile as well looking to the side for a quick moment

"I also apologize for my mom... She can be a bit much." Sadara chuckled gently pushing her glasses more onto her face as she watched me closely her eyes swarming with many emotions all at once.

"Eh well I know she works here. But I didn't expected her to come into the room and like pass out after seeing the twins." I stated through my own laughter that left me it was quite the sight. There had been too many surprises in the last two days, I glanced down at my stomach already seeing the heavy weight was gonna stay there in place, glancing at Sadara she was a smart girl.

"Hey Sadara sweetie, you're pretty smart for your age. I was wondering if I could ask you something?" She nodded her head quickly the grin staying across her face as she slowly held her legs close with her hands.

"Of course, anything I can help with. I already see you as like my second mom. You're part of this family." She beamed at me making me send her a soft relaxed smile for a moment glancing back up, Neji nodded slipping out of the room to leave us to some privacy.

"Let's say you make a promise to yourself that you end up breaking not on purpose. Would you make a new promise to yourself or just let the old promise face and embrace yourself?" She seemed curious still holding her legs as she rocked herself slowly.

"Well I say it depends on the promise. I would say if it's like a promise of love, maybe you broke it because you finally feel a sense of stability and something that makes you happy. If the promises is more of different topics I suppose it varies. But I believe you broke the promise cause you yourself have seen things have changed." I found myself frowning a bit gazing at the wall finding my thoughts drifting in more ways than I could imagine.

At first it was just for heirs for the Uchiha clan I truly can see myself in love with Sasuke now. And this was a feeling I did not want for myself at all. I glanced down for a moment at my ring gently rubbing at it a couple times before facing Sadara with a smile giving her another deep hug.

"Thank you sweetie." She nuzzled me a couple times with her own sleepy hums.

"No problem Jannie you should get some rest. Dad should be waking up soon." We parted from the hug seeing his form shifting a little in the chair his face twisting up some stirring in his sleep.

I needed to pull myself out of this water much sooner than later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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