Chapter Seven

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Jannie's Pov
"Sasuke I can walk, put me down please."

"Can you like wait till we get to the gate it's like two steps away." A light sound escaped from my throat but maybe this was partially the affection I would receive with being pregnant, it was an odd feeling because well really during the honeymoon I couldn't really feel much of a change actually, but yeah I was officially pregnant, and I was kinda absent minded to it.

Tried to sleep on my stomach till Sasuke was quickly pushing me back into my back or side, you know the morning sickness didn't exactly strike till the last month hit, we were making our way back to the leaf village after telling my family goodbye, yeah I don't recommend throwing up five times yelling to stop.

A few couple short steps we approached the gate and Sasuke allowed me to slide out of his arms. Both of my feet touching the ground, well feels good to be home I thought Sasuke lifted up my bag more over his shoulder still holding his own both of us walking up to the gate but to my surprise I saw Neji and Sadara waiting there.

She was a sweet little girl she was always visiting Ino's flower shop when she wasn't busy with her own ninja team things.

"Neji!" I exclaimed happily watching him spin around a soft and relaxed expression took over his features before he met me half way hugging me tightly.

"Just had to make sure he brought you back unharmed." He grunted out rubbing at my upper back before pulling away.

"I'm not that heartless I wouldn't hurt her." Sasuke grumbled out but he flashed Sadara a soft smile ruffling up the top of her head gently.

"Didn't you try and kill Sakura twice-"

"Shut up!"

Neji pulled away from our hug and took one glance at me placing his hand lightly on the small bump. "I guess the Uchiha sperm still works." Was all he said, the loudest snort escaped past my lips while Sasuke's face flushed a deep red, he was flashing a small glare at Neji.

"Oh wow awesome! Is my half siblings in there!" She exclaimed shoving her glasses on her face more moving away from Sasuke to get a better look at my growing body.

"Yep, not sure if it's a boy or girl just gonna have to wait till they are born." I grinned at her feeling her hands rubbing all over my belly.

"I hope it's a boy, I don't want another sister, I like being  the only girl."

"You want another of your dad? he's so edgey." 

"You were saying that when I was fuc-"

"Shut up Sasuke!"

"Jannie there's no way you are three months you are so tiny." I looked away from the vase of flowers I was arranging on the counter soft me leaving, I was a little distracted but I didn't wanna be sitting at home all day, when I could be well working and socialising, but don't tell Sasuke that he still thinks I'm on bed rest.

"Ino when I say I am pregnant and that I didn't even know, Sasuke didn't let me rest at all for three months." I laughed casually spinning around to seeing her laughing casually propping herself behind the counter.

"The question is, is he good though? Sakura never would tell me." She huffed out rolling her eyes a bit, I laughed quietly also making my way over to her.

"He does this thing with his hips were like the roll in a circle." I gestured with my finger both of us cracking up laughing quietly with one another fast.

"Man and I thought Sai didn't roll his hips." Another hard laugh left me, my body shaking but I turned my attention back when the flower shop doors open, and of course it had to be Sakura.

"Hey Sakura what's up? Need something. " Ino questioned a bit curious like both hands propped under her chin.

"Just need some flowers for the house, Oh I see you guys are back, where's Sasuke?" I of course didn't like her forceful tone with me but I answered her none the less.

"At the Hokage office with Sadara." I answered her looking away I walked behind the counter with Ino while she was walking around to gather up the flowers Sakura asked for. I propped both my hands under my chin a little both of us staring at one another, hers was more bothered than mine, my hair was now all down and curly in place over my face.

"So it's safe to assume you are knocked up right?" I kept blinking at her. "You assumed right, listen Sakura I'm just gonna say this now, we are way to grown up to be fighting, you agreed to this, it's just about babies, you sometimes act like you are threatened by me when it's not like that at all." I trailed off a bit recalling that odd feeling in my heart last month, but I shook it away.

"Oh no I know I agreed to it, sadly enough I have to accept you into this family as well, I just need to remind you, you can never be me understand? I'm running the hospital, I have Sasuke and Sadara and basically everyone loves me, I just need you to know that." I stared at her a little more my hands still under my chin before I casually spoke.

"Sakura I hate to tell you this but no one really wants to be you, yeah you maybe are like the richest one between us girls but let's make own thing straight, you have all those things but are you happy?"  I stood up casually folding my arms over my chest.

"I never would wanna be you, you are very bitter, hold negative things in your heart, I know you have more things you wanna say to me so if you really have the balls, just say it to me, and if it's needed we can fight. But remember this I don't even have to use my full power to beat you, let me hit a few of your chakra points while you land one punch, see who is passing out first." She stared at me her glare growing.

"We made our rules, you stay with your family while I try and figure out my own." She was silent before all she did was roll her eyes. When Ino came back she could sense the tense feeling.

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