Big Brother talk(s)

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Blaine and Finn are Playing GTA until Finn pauses the game and looked Blaine in the eyes.

Blaine raised an eyebrow "Dude why you pause the game?"

Finn crosses his arms "Right now I'm Kurt's older Brother and you'er the kid he is dating!!"

Blaine laughs "Well ok then right now I'm Rachel's older brother oh and Cooper is in town you will get this twice!"

Finn rolled his eyes "You better treat him right no forcing him to do stuff he doesn't want to do!!"

Blaine jaw dropped "You really think I would do that to him! He's amazing I really do care about him Finn! I hope our relationship won't get in the way of our friendship because If It will then I'm sorry but we might just have to be acquaintances!"

Finn huffed "You're not taking this seriously Bee!"

Blaine giggles "That's because I can take you down any day and you know it!"

Finn looked offended "Er no arm wrestle right now!"

Blaine nods and put's his arm one the box at the end of Finn's bed Finn did the same!

Blaine got his phone out and started text Kurt while Finn tried to Win the arm wrestle!

A couple minutes later Kurt comes down the stairs and giggles "You alright Blaine?"

Blaine nods "oh hey babe. Yeah I'm just chilling!"

Kurt giggles "Well you and Finn have enough time playing GTA I want to cuddle!!"

Blaine nods "Ok!" He said as he casually wins the arm wrestle like it was nothing

Finn became mad "Ugg I hope you know I hate you sometimes!"

Blaine nods "Feeling is Mutual! Oh yeah and if you hurt my sister it'll be more then me beating you at an arm wrestle!"

Finn laughs "I would never hurt her in anyway!"

Blaine smiles "That's good to hear! Ok come on baby we can go now."

Kurt kisses his cheek "yayy!"


Finn and Kurt are over for the Anderson-Berry Family dinner! It's the first one they have been to when they were actually dating someone from the family! It was always Kurt coming for Rachel and Finn coming for Blaine. But now it has switched.

Blaine opened the door "Hey Bro!" Him and Finn fist bumps him "Were's Kurt?"

Finn smiles "He's coming but listen he doesn't feel that well! Something happened at school today I don't know what! So I thought maybe you could talk to him?"

Blaine frowns "Yeah ok! Rachel's in her room!"


Kurt is in Finns car crying blaine walks up to the car and saw that this so he opened the door and helped him out of the car he told kurt to sit on the outside swing

blaine goes up to one of his dads "Hey Dad when is Dinner gonna be ready?"

Leroy smiles "Blaine its fine we can heat it up for you and Kurt when you get back go to thst plsce you both vaneish too ok!"

Blaine giggles "Thanks Dad"

Blaine went back outside and took kurts hand and waled to there happy place

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