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1 Month later

Third Person:

Kurt and Blaine are cuddling on the couch watching TV. Finn Fell down the stairs not all of them, but it was enough to hurt!

Kurt didn't move from Blaine's hold "You alright Finn?" Kurt asked whilst trying not to laugh

Blaine laughs with his boyfriend "Well at least You can give lessons to people on how not to walk down the stairs!" He says to Finn with a smirk

Finn stood up "Ha ha,very funny!" Fun replies with a sarcastic tone.

Kurt and Blaine carried on watching TV (Still cuddling) Blaine reaches his hand to Kurt's and their fingers intertwine!

Finn rolled his eyes "You guys make me feel single AF!"

Kurt Sniggers "That's because you are!" Kurt sits up and gave Blaine a look.

Blaine smiles and kisses Kurt on the lips "Finn.. is.. watching " Blaine says in between kisses

Kurt rolls his eyes "Finn do you have somewhere to be or are you just gonna watch us make out hmm"

Finn crossed his arms "I'm going to Blaine's house to help decorate for Rachel's coming home party because un like you two I care she's coming home!"

Blaine laughs "Well That is a load of Bull Finn and you know it.Your only doing it because you like her,and I swear to god if you hurt her Finn,just know I will beat you up!"

Kurt smiles at his boyfriend being so protective "Now you have started something you realise that right?"

Finn rolls his eyes "Ok Blaine you want to be so over protective, Just know you do anything to Kurt that makes In feel Pain,
Sadness,Betrayal or even a little uncomfortable you'll eat them words right back up so I'd watch what you do if I were you!"

Blaine smirked "Finn,what I find really Funny is you think I would actually make Kurt feel that way but you think what you wanna think!"

Kurt smiles at Blaine and kisses him on the lips!

Finn smiles "Good,Now I will leave you two alone, And let you do what ever you do when your alone!"

Kurt rolls his eyes Finn finally left so he smiles "Now where were we?"

Blaine laughs "I think we were right about here!" He says before closing the space between them.

Blaine POV:

God I love Kurt so much, But I don't want to move to fast but it's been a month should I tell him or wait. Maybe I should just go for it!

Third person:

Kurt and Blaine separate leaving just their heads against each other!

Blaine wanted to wait to tell Kurt that he loved him but he couldn't help himself "God Kurt I love you so much!"

Kurt smiled "I Love you too!"

Blaine and Kurt started cuddling again and continued to watch TV!

                       Couple hours later

Third person:

Everyone was waiting for Rachel to come home and the minute Rachel and Hiram walked through the door they all yelled "Welcome Home!"

Blaine ran up to Rachel and hugged her "Welcome back Sis!"

They all celebrated Rachel coming home, they ate cake,sang songs,Watched movies,played games anything you can think of that is fun the probably did.

Finn walked up to Rachel and taped her one the shoulder "I have something for you is there anywhere more quiet?"

Rachel nods "Yeah follow me!"

Porch swing 

Third person:

Finn and Rachel sat down on the swing,
Finn smiles "Ok so I bought this necklace for you.I thought that it matched you personality really well, and it's my favourite thing about you so here it is. I hope you like it!"

Rachel was shocked "Oh my God I love it Thank you so much Finn, But you didn't have to get me anything!"

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Rachel was shocked "Oh my God I love it Thank you so much Finn, But you didn't have to get me anything!"

Finn laughs "Yeah I know, But I wanted to because I really Like you and I wanted to get you something special!"

Rachel smiles "It's beautiful!"

Finn smiles "I was wondering if your not busy if you would come to breadsticks with me on Wednesday!"

Rachel looked up "On like a date?"

Finn smiles "If you want it to be a date then sure!"

Rachel smiles "I'd love too"

Finn stood up and took Rachel's hand "Welcome home!" And they walked back into the party hand in Hand

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