You really miss her don't you?

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Finn waited till he stopped crying "You really miss her don't you?"

Kurt nods "Yeah I do I'm sorry I know me cry all the time is stupid."

Finn shook his head "Have you talk to her about Blaine yet?"

Kurt sniffles "No I think I should do that with him I'm just not ready I like going there alone."

Finn understood "Blaine is in my room with Rachel he wants to know if you are ok."


Right on time Blaine knocked on the door "Hey Kurt can I talk to you?"

Finn left the room and Blaine walks in looking kinda sad "her Kurt. Wow this is really hard for me to say."

Kurt was confused "Go one you can tell me anything."

Blaine took a deep breath "So you know how my sister has been mood and I will always put her mental State before anything.
Kurt I love you I really honestly do but my sister needs me right now she want me to brake up with you."

Kurt nods holding in his tears "But I need you more then ever right now and I know your sister comes before me but I just really need you."

Blaine hugs him "I 100% agree and know that you need me too but like you said my sister comes before you. I just have to respect what she wants. I am really gonna miss you I really am so please don't make this harder then it already is."

Kurt nods "I understand but can you do one more thing before you leave for good?"

Blaine smiles "Anything."

Kurt let his tears fall "Will you give me one last kiss and then you can leave and I won't beg for you I can't promise I won't cry but I won't try and win you back I will leave you alone."

Blaine leans in and kisses him it was long full of want a need but also love and sadness. They pull away now both crying.

They didn't say anything instead Blaine walked out. The cries silently and walked into Finns room "Rachel come on let's go home."

Rachel nods "Bye Finn love you."


Car ride home:

Rachel looks at Blaine "You ok?"

Blaine nods "Yeah I'm fine I broke up with Kurt by the way hope you get better now."

Rachel frowns "You think I wanted you to break up with him so I could get better? no I wasn't doing that."

Blaine looked at her "Why?"

Rachel sighs "It was dads they knew if I asked you then you would do it."

Blaine gasps "They asked me to do the same for you but I didn't I said I couldn't use are code to their advantage."

Rachel smirks "Well I guess we didn't have the same feeling about our code."


Blaine stop the car and started crying "Get out of this car right now. NOW GOD DAMIT!"

Rachel was confused "But it's like a 15 minute walk."

Blaine moved backwards "Now it's a 20 minute walk GET OUT!"

Rachel got out of the car and Blaine drove off home ran inside slammed the door. Ignoring his dads hello, ran straight upstairs into his room and just cried and cried. LeRoy walked in "What's wrong son?"

Blaine's eyes were puffy and red and he was still crying "Rachel made me break up with Kurt I hope you're happy. I lost the love of my life my soulmate and he's gone."

LeRoy became mad "She took advantage of your code?"

Blaine nods "Why do you look so angry? You're the one who asked her to."

LeRoy sat next to his son "It was a stupid test your dad and I came up with to see if you would actually go against your twin code. We wanted to know if it was strong enough. Also we thought it was very cute you had it."

Blaine looks at his dad "I know it's late but can I please go to Kurt's it's Christmas and I probably ruined it for him. I made him a promise ring and everything and it's just."

LeRoy nods "Go."


Blaine arrived at their house and knocked on the door Burt answered.

Burt looked at him his eyes were red he must've been crying "You're here for Kurt right?"

Blaine sniffles "Yes I am. Can I please talk to him I need to make this right."

Burt let him in and Blaine ran into Kurt's room "Kurt!"

Kurt was confused "Blaine?"

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