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N/A: Previously on siblings/Karofsky beat up Rachel Blaine Thought it was his fault but really it was Karofsky being a dick, They went to the Hospital to see Rachel but before the elevator shut someone stopped it!!

Third person:

Blaine and his Dads walk in to the Elevator but before it could shut Someone stoped it.

Blaine froze his crush is literally gonna be locked in the Same room as him for 3 floors "Kurt?" He said very confused

Kurt smiles "Yes that's me you heard anything new on Rachel yet I've been so worried "

Blaine spoke up "No but How did you get in?"

Kurt Laughs "That was easy I Ran in like I have been running for hours Said I was her cousin that flew all the way from New York and that Homophobic bitch let me in I just Have an eye on Homophobes at this point!"

Blaine didn't know what to say he wasn't even listening he was to Busy focusing on Kurt's big blue ocean eyes for anything else so he just said
"Cool beans "

Blaine POV:

Why did I say that Cool beans who says Cool beans well there goes any shot I ever had,and can this Elevator go any slower I need to disappear right now.

Kurt Obviously saw I was tense about something,because he put a hand on my shoulder and said "She will wake up soon don't worry"

That's not what I was tense about but some how him putting his hand on my shoulder made me De-tensen and I said "I know,Thanks." I smiled and Kurt smiled back.

I'm Back on the love train maybe I can finally reach My destination. We'll see I have known Kurt since I was 3 I have probably been friend zoned But once I get out I will be in the Love Zone. I will come up with a better name later but For now My top priority Is getting out of the Friend zone. Wait Rachel then getting out of the friend zone I'm a really good brother when I want to be.

Kurt POV:

Look at Blaine so cute and handsome I love his curls a same he doesn't but I can't date him because of the stupid Code. why did I make that up? oh yeah because Rachel was drooling all over Finn but maybe because he is Leaving this year for college I can drop the code I don't know But for know I hope Rachel is ok and that's all I'm thinking about from this point onwards.

Third person:

They all get out of the elevator and was on the hunt for room 305 when they got there the all walked in and saw Rachel lay on the bed with cuts and Bruises all over her body Blaine ran over to her and held her hand.

Kurt, Hiram and LeRoy smiled at Blaines actions Hiram says "We will leave you two alone for a minute come on Kurt we will go get some snacks"

Kurt nodded and followed out the door leaving Blaine alone with Rachel

Blaine kept his tears back "Hey sis it's me Blaine please wake up soon I can't lose my Twin You are literally my other half, just give me a sign something to tell me you are ok and you can hear me!"

Rachel Twitched her fingers Blaine eyes flew wide open "Oh my God Doctor nurse someone!!" He Screamed as he knew that when someone is in a coma they can't move and if they do it means the are trying to or are waking up

A doctor came in "What is the problem sir!"

Blaine says "She twitched her finger"

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