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Blaine POV:

I was so nervous I was going on my first date and I had no idea what I was doing I need Rachel But she's not here were's Dad and Papa.

I walked downstairs to see them there so I say go and sit in between them and say "I need help I have no idea what I'm going to wear and it needs to be perfect nothing can go wrong nothing please can you help me before I go insane"

Papa (LeRoy) laughed "Don't worry we can Help you just relax were you going?"

I relax a little bit "Dinner and a movie!"

Dad (Hiram) laughed "Ok so picture this you walk in to the cinema walk up to the counter and order what?"

I was confused but said "Popcorn,Red Vines and a Cherry slurpy!"

Dad says "Ok follow me"

I followed him and said "Ok so my Room You acted like we were going to space or something!"

Third Person:

Hiram says "So your outfit is the most important so this is the one now go take a shower and Change"

Blaine had a shower and put on his outfit,He was wearing a black Buttoned up shirt with red skinny Jeans that were rolled up at the ankle And a Red White Blaine striped Bow Tie He looks amazing!
Blaine say "I'm not coming out I look terrible!"

Hiram and LeRoy started smiling

Hiram said "I'm sure you don't Blainey come on show us at least"

Blaine steppes out and says "See I look terrible"

LeRoy "You Look amazing Blaine and Kurt will think so to!"

Blaine smiles "Really?"

Hiram "Yep his right!"

Blaine "You have to say that though!"

LeRoy "Blaine you always look amazing ok let me do your hair!"

LeRoy dose Blaine's hair and Blaine says "This just made me look worse"

Hiram laughs

Blaine looks up "what are you laughing at this has to be perfect nothing can go Wrong dad Nothing"

Hiram laughs "I'm laughing because this is how I reacted on my first Date with Papa I started saying everything Was wrong how I looked how my hair wasn't right and then When My Mom said I looked nice I said the same thing you did!"

Blaine says "Your point exactly?"

Hiram "My point is that your nervous so your saying everything that is actually amazing is Terrible because you don't what Kurt to be disappointed Blainey look at me!"

Blaine looked at Hiram

Hiram continues "You are amazing and perfect in every way and do you really think Kurt's gonna give a damn what you wear all he cares about is you being there with him on your first date that he has been waiting for just as long as you!"

Blaine hugs Hiram and says "Thanks Dad!" Then he gets up and hugs LeRoy
And says "Thankyou as well papa" he looks at his dads and says "Thankyou both for helping me with everything not just today but all my life I love you Guys"

LeRoy and Hiram say "we Love you to Blaine" In unison

Blaine says "Shit, I got to go I have 10 Minutes to pickup Kurt so I'm gonna go Thanks again!"

LeRoy and Hiram smile as Their son try's to find his car keys

Hiram says "Looking for these?"

Blaine says "Yes, Thankyou what would I do if with out you Love you bye"

LeRoy says "Be back by 10:30"

Hiram says "11:00 he meant to say have fun sweet boy"

At the cinema

Blaine POV:

We were watching a horror movie I wasn't scary it was actually quite pathetic but Kurt seamed to find it scary so He was cuddled up to me and buried his face in my arm when ever he found something scary it was cute actually.

I spilt my Drink on my pants but my jeans are Red so you can't see it so that's why my Dad asked me what I order he knows how clumsy I am. The movie came to and end and we walked out of the cinema and went back to my car!

Third person:

Kurt looked at Blaine and says "I'm never watching that movie again Never Blaine Never why it even became a film I Don't Know"

Blaine laughs "Awww Kurt it's not real It just a Movie"

Kurt smiles "I mean your not wrong"

Blaine says "So We are gonna go to Breadsticks that ok with you?"

Kurt replies "Yeah We could go to McDonald's and ai would have still said yes I don't really care were we eat to be honest!"

Blaine laughed "Ok you to cute!"

Kurt replies "Your not to bad yourself!"

Blaine laughs and dives to breadsticks

At Bread Sticks

Third person:

Blaine looked at Kurt and he looked really tense about something so Blaine reached over and grabbed his hand and said "What's wrong!"

Kurt looks up and smiles "Nothing it's stupid I'm fine don't worry!"

Blaine looked at him "Kurt I've known you my whole life somethings bothering you and I just want you to have a good time and not be upset so I will ask again What's Wrong!"

Kurt smiles "You know your really annoying Mr Anderson-Berry!"

Blaine smiles and let's go of his hands and says "Oh so we're on last name terms now huh" then pauses "No but seriously what's wrong"

Kurt smiles "It's just I've been waiting for this for so long..."

Blaine smiles "So have I"

Kurt smiles again "It's just I don't know it's stupid"

Blaine gave Kurt a look then slid around to him and says "I don't know if I'm reading your mind but.."

Kurt POV:

Blaine slid around to me and said "I don't know if I'm reading your mind but.." and then he lent in and Kissed me!!

The second are lips Touched Fireworks,when we pulled away I smiled and say "How did you know that's what I was trying to say"

Third Person:

Blaine laughs " I didn't I just want to Kiss you so I went for it and It just happened that you wanted the same thing"

Kurt smiles "You want dessert or are we going?"

Blaine smiles "You wanna share one?"

Kurt smiles "I'd like that!"

Car Ride

Third Person:

Kurt looks at Blaine "Blaine?"

Blaine smiles "Yeah"

Kurt takes a deep breath "You wanna be boyfriends?"

Blaine smiles "I've been wanting you to say that for Years and I yes 1000 time yes!!"

Kurt smiles "Good I'll see you tomorrow then!"

Blaine nods "Yeah even tho it's at a hospital I'm still looking forward to it"

Kurt Chuckles "Yeah"

They Kiss goodbye and excited to see each other again!

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