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Kurt's POV:

I got a lift home off Hiram and LeRoy. Seeing her on that hospital bed was really sad she's like the big sister I never had. When I walked in my house I went straight into my room and lay on my bed and I couldn't help but cry no one was home so I was alone. I wish someone was here I need someone to hug and tell me everything is ok. Poor Blaine wanting his sister that much he saw her Twitch her finger I hate seeing him so upset. I HATE BEING ALONE!

It's like Finn always knew when I needed him because he just knocked on my door and says "Hey little brother you ok can I come in or do you want to be alone? that's a dumb question." Finn walked in and walked over to me. He rubbed my back and I sat up and he smiled at me so I smiled back

Finn spoke up first "You need a hug?" Finn put out his arms and with no hesitation I hugged him and just rested his head in Finns chest

I looked up and said "Finn?"

Finn says "What's up?"

I continued talking "Do you know about what happened to Rachel?"

Finn was confused "no what happened?"

I started crying again "Karofsky beat her up she's in the hospital In a coma and We don't know when she's gonna wake up or if she's gonna wake up."

Third person:

Finn wanted to go beat up Karofsky but instead he said "Wait here I'll be right back!" He smiled and went down stairs grabbed some snacks, grabbed Kurt and his favourite movie they used to watch together when they were sad and went back up to Kurt

He walked in the room put the snacks on the bed and put the CD in the CD Player Kurt frowned "I'm not in the mood Finn I just want to disappear."

Finn laughs "You will be when the movie starts remember when you were in kindergarten and I was in the 1st grade you came home crying because someone named what was his name again?"

Kurt smiles "Lucas."

Finn smiled "That's it he pushed you around all day turning everyone against you. And I took your hand and brought you to my room and we watched the Lion king and cuddled and sang along to all of the songs until you were the happy smiling Kurt we all know and Love. Well here we are 7 years later in the same position so that's what we are going to do."

Finn pressed play Kurt smiles "Thankyou Finn but you don't have to do all this you know I'm fine"

Finn smiles "You said that 7 Years ago and from this day you've always felt ten times better after watching the one and only lion King. So grab any snack you want and your voice better be ready because there is a lot of singing that is about to be done."

Kurt smiles "Your right! Oh and don't think you can out sing me with the Lion King Finn, because you're going to be very disappointed."

Finn throws Popcorn at Kurt "You think you can out lion King the King oh your on."

They both hop in to Kurt's bed eating snacks singing,cuddling until they both fell asleep

                           few hours later

Third person:

But and Carol got home they but went to check if anyone one was home Carol went to Finn's room and Burt went to Kurt's room, Burt smiled at what he was seeing he shut the door and said to Carol "their both sleeping in Kurt's Room Kurt was sad about Rachel but Finn knew how to cheer him up"

Carol confused says "how did you get that from walking into Kurt's room?"

Burt says "There was Snacks, They were watching Lion King and They were cuddling But all of that together boom detective Burt wins again"

Carol laughs "You really do know how to make me laugh, Now Detective Burt it's getting late we should go to bed."

Burt nods and they go to bed

A/N: Ok so In this FanFiction Finn and Kurt are blood related, I thought we need a cute Brother moment between them so here you go I hoped you enjoy it and thanks for reading!

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