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Blaine POV:

"Hey sis it's me Blaine again Dad and Papa are coming later but I thought I would come early because I had football late last night and coach beast didn't let me go but I'm here now,I miss you so much you've been out for weeks please wake up soon I don't know how long I can play mister strong guy I've already broke once and I can't do it again I have to stay strong for you Kurt and most importantly Dad and papa they can't see me upset again I was overwhelmed the day I found out, you know with Karofsky to thinking you were going to die! Please don't die I can't lose you not today or any other day please wake up soon"

I put my head in my hands trying to fight off the tears but I couldn't do it anymore then I heard a voice say "Blainey?"

I looked up to see Rachel with here eyes open "Oh my god oh my God"

Rachel smiled "Were am I? all I could here was talking this whole day has been hectic Were is karofsky? is Kurt ok?"

Third person:

Blaine says "Rach calm down listen You were in a coma Kurt is fine and Karofsky I don't care were he is! Now stay calm and breathe because I don't want anything else to happen to you!"

Rachel smiles at her brother "Wow that was a lot of information to take in at once how long have I been out for?"

Blaine smiles "Weeks Rach Weeks I was so worried about you but I'm glad your awake now!!"

Rachel frowned "Could you get a doctor I feel a little dizzy"

Blaine's smile turned to pure worry "yeah sure"

Blaine walked out the room saw his dads and ran up to them "Rachel woke up you know were a doctor is she said she feels dizzy"

Hiram says "Oh my God, Hi Doctor Er my Daughter Rachel Berry room 305 woke up could you go check one her?"

Doctor Stephanie "Yes let's go My name is Doctor Stephanie but you all seem nice so just call me Steph what room did you say?"

LeRoy smiles "Hello Steph erm 305"

They all walked there and smiled at Rachel
Rachel smiles back "Steph?"

Stephanie smiles "Hi Rach you ok I heard what happened!"

Blaine was confused "you to know each other?"

Rachel looks at Blaine with a Yes I do and you should to look "Yes I do Steph moved in to the house next to us about a month ago which you would all know if you weren't all so damn busy all the time!"

LeRoy and Hiram smiles "I'm so sorry that we haven't met yet feel free to come to Rachel's welcome home party you know when ever she's coming home" Hiram said

Stephanie says "Well she looks ok but we will keep her for an other day or two you know to she if there is any more problems I'll leave you all alone to talk and I would miss it so see you again soon!"

Hiram says "I was so worried I was going to loose my baby girl I can let that happen ok it just can't happen"

Rachel smiles "I think you guys a forgetting that I heard everything and Yes Blaine I give you my permission to date Kurt if he says yes but if you Hurt him I swear to God you won't walk again you hear me Never!"

Blaine smiles "I pretty sure you a meant to be on my side,but you know I can Keep that promise!"

Rachel roles her eyes "Don't worry Blaine I am on your side I will be having this talk with Kurt it will just be more extreme but I still care about Kurt so You hurt him you know what I will do"

Blaine smiles "Good but I pretty sure I'm gonna get some Mega Threats of him I mean Kurt is his Little brother after all speaking of Finn You still need to talk to Kurt but just so you know I never was stopping you and Finn happening in fact Papa and I made a name for you what was it again?"

Hiram laughs "Oh yeah when you were 10 Finchel!"

Blaine laughs "Yeah Finchel I was a stupid kid a times"

Rachel smiles "Well then you and Kurt need a name them hmm Klaine."

Blaine laughs "You can't be serious Klaine sounds like a place in Europe that you don't want to go to. They would talk something like this Oh but I am from Klaine you must come to Klaine, I am Klaineish"

They were all laughing at that point

Rachel spoke "You know how funny that is I laughed even the second time hearing. Kurt and you belong with each other. He doesn't Shut up about you. it's really boring at sometimes so I told him that ship name he said the exact same thing Word for word same accent everything it's like you planned on it or something which is impossible because you both think you are friends zoned which your not"

Blaine smiles "Well on that note do I have your permission to make some grand gesture like really last minute like Right now because I've been waiting like 9 years so I can't wait other sec and now I know there is a little chance I don't want him to change his mind so can I go?"

Rachel smiles "Bro you had me at grand gesture go Like Right now also film it ok bye love you."

Blaine smiles "Thanks Love you to."

Blaine ran to Kurt's house and started throwing Rocks at Kurt's bedroom Window and....

A/N: 😂😂😂 Cliff hanger I will Right some more tomorrow!!

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