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Rachel looks at Finn "Finny are you ok I mean Kurt says you haven't been eating probably."

Finn nods "Look Rach I'm fine."

Rachel shook her head "Finn I know we have only been dating a couple months but we are in Love. I know when you're not feeling good because you call me Rach."

Finn looks at her "I'm fine."

Rachel kissed his cheek "You are not fine I want to help you, but if you don't want to talk that is fine."

Finn smiles the frowns "Ok I'm worried about my Dad he just had a heart attack and not he's lost a whole year off his life."

Rachel cuddles up next too him "Finn Burt is a strong man, he will get through it. He raised Kurt and told him about sex yeah some other little details he asked my dad for, but honestly Burt knew he needed to do all of that for Kurt. Anyway my point is that he has always come up with a plan to make stuff work for you and Kurt he will get through this he might even remember."

Finn kisses her head "Thank you Rachel that really helped."

Rachel smiles "Thanks fir at least trying to make me believe I helped you. Honestly I know Burt will be fine."

Finn giggles "You know me very well."



Burt smiles at Finn "Thank you son I can't remember what I wanted it for but it'll come back. I love it tho."

Blaine looks at Kurt "Here is your present."

Kurt smiles "If that is an engagement ring my answer is yes."

Blaine rolled his eyes "Just open the box."

Kurt sighs "Did you make this?"

Blaine nods "yeah I made it out of mine and your favourite sweet rappers. It's a promise ringing."

Kurt hugs him "I love it."

Rachel stares at them confused as to why Kurt actually likes that thing "He spent 2 weeks making that thing it's honestly not that impressive."

Finn raised an eyebrow "I honestly don't even understand you sometimes Rachel."

Burt nods in agreement "Yeah anyway why are you here aren't you Jewish?"

Rachel nods "Yes but I'm celebrating with Finn and his Blaine is Jewish too."

Blaine shook his head "Nah I said to dads when they ask us what we wanted and I said I didn't want to be Jewish I didn't want to be any religion just well myself."

Kurt smiles and kisses him "That is very inspirational. Rachel FYI I love Blaine's gift because it doesn't come from money but a place off caring. He made it for me there isn't gonna be another one like it."

Blaine was so in love right now "I spent I little money to get the box in graved read it and then you will have the reaction I hope you will. Unless you don't remember."

Kurt turned over the box and tears up. "Thank you this is all so sweet and I just got you a bow tie."


Blaine was confused "But I love Bow ties and yours is my favourite one."

Rachel sighs "Guys I'm sorry I said all off those things I'm just in a mood have been for the past couple days."

Blaine nods "Yeah it's true my dads are trying to get to the bottom off it I think I know why but she's denying it."

Rachel sighs "Blaine I have been taking my medicine."

Finn looks Dow "You sure you have been taking it?

Burt gasps "medication?"

Kurt nods "Yeah she has ADHE. Did you forget that too dad because she's had it all her life."

Blaine could see the worry "I'm sure it just slipped his mind hey Burt I got you something."

Kurt got up "I'm gonna go for a walk."

Blaine frowns "Right now? and Alone?"

Finn rubs Blaine's shoulder "He just needs to go talk to someone."

Blaine knew what Finn meant "Ok well have fun."


Kurt sat down next to a grave "Hey mom I don't know if you know but I have been reunited with my half brother Finn. I really miss you. I honestly don't know what to do. I'm just so scared I'm gonna loose dad too Carol is grate  I started calling her mom I'm getting more comfortable around her now. I really hope you can hear me. Mom I'm scared really scared I know that I didn't fully meet you I mean when you left I was 8 then dad found Carol and I met Finn and he help me he still does. We have a brother code we both come before anyone else if we need help or just a talk then we drop what we are doing and go. Yeah I went off track I'm scared dad just had a heart attack and now he has all these problems I just don't understand it. I really hope he is ok. I love you Mom hope you heard me."

Kurt got up and walked back home he went to his room to find Finn waiting there for him. Kurt just got into bed and just cried on Finn's shoulder.

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