26 - 二十六

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[If you guys don't read the author's note and still ask irrelevant questions then you will be left unanswered. I mention everything on my author's note so kindly read that before questioning anything]

教師 : Pent up Feelings

"Ahh, Y/N"

"Stop moving your head" I squished his cheeks in between my thumb and the other four fingers, making his face form a pout so that he stops moving his head anymore.

"But it hurts so fucking much" he whined, his bottom lip still had the blood clotting and the cotton in my hand had traces of blood mixed with antiseptics. He also said there was a slight pain in his back which needed some muscle pain reliever spray or cream.

"Who asked you to fight?" I glared, he was the one who fought the most so all his tantrums after getting hurt are irrelevant.

"I am the Captain, I had to fight" I rolled my eyes, he didn't even have the slightest realization that fighting like an animal is not good at all.

"So the quote unquote Captain can treat himself as well, he doesn't need me right? Bye, I am leaving" I threw the cotton ball aside and was about to leave the bed when he stopped me by holding back my hand. I knew he would pull up some sort of dramatic shit and whine again.

"Don't leave me please" he whined again, and this is the reason behind me staying in his room for almost an hour now. I just came to check in but he is making me do his first aid and not even listening to what I am telling.

"What's the point?" I shoot my brows and he tried to act cute, his bambi eyes and a pout with dropping brows. But he overused this trick, I was not listening to it.

"Please.... I have no one" fuck this shit, I walked back towards him with a sigh, I can't ignore. I sat in front of and he passed his bunny smile.

"I sometimes don't understand you" I rolled my eyes and took a fresh ball of cotton and soaked it again with the antibacterial before I pressed it on his lips.

"You don't have to, surprises are good" he smiled and I gave him a blank stare. My fingers holding the cotton pressed on his lips. He hissed in pain now and then, he didn't even have the time to do the first aid like the other boys.

For their childish behavior in the sports ground the faculty postponed the baseball match and scheduled it for the last three days of the event. The whole schedule was changed for them and they are not even bothered.

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