39 - 三十のナイン

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教師 : Date Night

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, I was so happy that he convinced my Dad so well and kept his promise. "Thank you Jungkook" I smiled.

"Why are you thanking me Princess? I said what I feel about you" this boy is no less than a fictional character, just perfect.

I broke the hug and walked towards our bags to bring out some clothes, we were leaving for site seeing. Gamecheon was a hillside valley and the main attraction was the uphill sunset view and the summer fair at night. We were going to see the sunset for the day.

I wore my plated skirt paired with a grunge aesthetic tshirt and Jungkook wore his loose fit denims, paired with a black oversized tshirt and big boots. We were kind of pairing and walked out to where our parents were waiting for us.

We were supposed to take the bus and it would be a thirty minutes bus ride to reach the tourist destination. Except for our families, there were two other families in the bus. I took the corner window seat and Jungkook was beside me and Jihoon in his lap. The little guy had a good friendship with his Jungkook Hyung and stayed with us. His excitement was more than any of us and he told a whole lot of things to Jungkook and sometimes whispered in his ears.

"What are you guys talking?" I asked smiling at them and the kid shook his head.

"It's a secret" Jihoon said and looked at Jungkook, "That's top secret" he pressed his index finger on his lips indicating Jungkook to keep quiet and Jungkook nodded.

"What is it?" I asked Jungkook, even though I knew a five year old's secret would be something really childish but still I am curious to know.

Jungkook leaned closer and kissed my cheeks and gestured the he would tell me later. I frowned, "You like Jungkook more than me now?" Jihoon gave me his adorable look and nodded his head.

"He bought me candies" that's sweet of him, Jungkook really loves to spend time with kid which I could well assume all this time.

"You love kids, I see" I smiled at Jungkook who was looking at Jihoon.

"I love you more Princess, don't worry" he smirked, thankfully no was looking at us or paying any attention.

"You call Y/N Princess?" Jihoon looked up at him and blinked, the little one didn't miss the word.

"Yup" Jungkook responded.

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