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∆ {4¹} {TONY STARK} ∆

OUT OF EVERYONE in the Avengers Compound, Roxi certainly hadn't expected Tony Stark to be the next one to know her name.

It had been maybe a year since the Battle of Sokovia, and most of Roxi's time was devoted to Natasha, Wanda, and Tony - which, once again, surprised her. She had taken to training Wanda over the past year, helping the young Maximoff develop her powers and ability to fight while she used it to take her mind off of everything. Not only that, but Wanda had spent many hours sat next to Roxi on her couch as the younger of the two asked for advice on how to deal with everything. Roxi had told her multiple times that she wasn't the best person that Wanda could ask, but she had ignored it valiantly and the women had grown rather close, resulting in Roxi being rather protective of Wanda.

Things with Natasha had only got better, and they had begun to spend so much time together that they might as well have been living together. The others had noticed, and hadn't held off on commenting at every chance they got. Roxi was finding herself increasingly comfortable around the beautiful redhead, and she had decided months ago that this was her place. This was where she was supposed to be. Helping Wanda, spending this time with Natasha that the two of them both seemed to desperately need. Roxi was growing less and less afraid, less against letting people in. And then Tony had got back to her, and things had changed, yet again.

Roxi had been firmly set on finding out what had triggered her powers and why she was getting the awful headaches that had got worse over the past year, often resulting in Roxi leaving a room to get fresh air, or leaving her with the urge to hurl. They had become unnervingly violent, and left Roxi with little chance to get used to the pain as the intensity continued to increase. After the conversation that she'd had with Natasha at Clint's, she'd decided that she would talk to someone about it, to get a professional opinion.

Initially, she had planned for it to be Bruce, seeing as he was a scientist and also was already caught up in their world. Though, as he had left with the Quinjet immediately after the Battle of Sokovia, and they'd had no luck at all finding him, that had no longer been an option. Tony had been her last resort, but she hadn't had any other choice, and she had gone to him a month and a half after Ultron, after finally persuading herself to do it. She had walked into his lab semi-awkwardly, settling himself down at one of the benches and watched him tweak part of his armour. They had sat in silence for two hours before Tony realised that the woman wasn't going to leave the room, and had set down his screwdriver with an annoyed sigh as he spoke up.

"So, what? You're gonna go from sulking in your room to watching me work for two hours in silence?" Roxi hadn't been sure how to start. She'd been considering it, only just finding herself able to stop herself from twisting and playing with her own fingers as she waited. It was a common sign of nerves.

"Actually, I was hoping that I could ask you a favour," she admitted, her voice both calmer and softer than it normally was, especially around Tony himself. His features twisted into curiosity as she shifted in his seat to face her, supporting his chin wit ha hand propped up on the workbench.

"Alright, now I'm interested." Roxi spared him a glance, fixing her posture as she tried to delay what she was about to admit, though she knew that she had to do it. For her own good, and so that, just maybe, they could try and help fix it.

"I've been getting these headaches - and before you say anything, I know that that doesn't sound bad. But they're not normal. They started in 2012, right around the Battle of New York when all this started. I thought they would go away, that it was normal. But, they carried on. Through D.C., Sokovia, and all the time in between, and every time, it gets slightly worse, hurts just a little more. It was normal levels of pain to start with, but now, it's getting to the point where it distracts me from thinking clearly. I've been to a Doctor, taken medicine, but it hasn't helped: nobody knows what's happening to me. I would've gone to Bruce, but seeing as he's not here, you're my best shot. I understand that we're not particularly close, but I need to know what's happening to me." Roxi only just kept her voice cracking with her last few words, though she knew that Tony had noticed anyway, because his features softened as he watched her, while she kept her gaze fixed firmly on the white table in front of her.

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓 ✘ 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now