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"I DON'T SUPPOSE you have any idea where they are?" Secretary Ross inquired, sounding annoyed and disappointed as Roxi shifted in her seat, a tourniquet tied around her shoulder to slow the bleeding while a medic worked on stitching the wound shut. It hurt far less than it used to, and Roxi had decided that if it only gave her the level of pain that she felt now, that she'd been shot far to many times in her life than she should've. Then again, it was a risk when you spent 13 years of your life in the espionage business and then the next four as one of the most public figures in the world, even if the rest of the world knew the least about her compared to the other Avengers.

"We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered, recon's flying 24/7. They'll get a hit, we'll handle it." For the most part, Roxi and Natasha had allowed Tony to do the talking, especially because he seemed to have become some sort of leader to those who had signed the Accords. He also had an exact stance that he seemed to want to appear as holding, so the two women had thought it better to let him handle Secretary Ross, though Roxi hadn't found herself likely to intervene in any case. She'd never been especially good with politics. She preferred to simply follow orders, whether it be from Fury and SHIELD or from Steve or Tony. Either way, she knew her place, and it was not at the head of anything.

"You don't get it, Stark, it's not yours to handle. It's clear you can't be objective. I'm putting Special Ops on this," Ross intervened, keeping his back to all three mildly pissed off Avengers, as if not wanting to see their faces.

"And what happens when the shooting starts? What do you, kill Steve Rogers?" Natasha asked quickly, her tone serious as she looked directly at the Secretary of State, ignoring the fact that she could feel Roxi's eyes lingering on her in something like pride, with a certain fondness developing as the ice-eyed woman noted that the redhead was wearing the jacket that she had so recently taken off so that the medic could patch up Roxi's arm. 

"If we're provoked," Ross replied, his voice quiet in a form of exasperation that Roxi hadn't heard in years. She gestured for the medic to leave as soon as they had finished with her. No more innocent people had to get caught in the crossfire of their disagreements, not when they seemed to be going to end so violently. She couldn't see this ending well in any way, and she hated it. Her priorities would still remain the same though, she would make sure of that. Her team's, her families' lives would come before whatever conflict or argument that the Avengers currently held. If someone died because of this, she doubted that she would be able to forgive herself.

"Barnes would've been eliminated in Romania if it wasn't for Rogers. There are dead people, who would be alive right now. Feel free to check my math." Roxi frowned internally at Ross' words. After all, without the Accords, without the pressure of the government, without the meeting in Vienna, Barnes wouldn't have been suspected as a victim in the first place. For once, she felt the urge to open her mouth and argue, but she didn't. After all, Ross was still holding that fearful curiosity about her, and Roxi didn't doubt that he would lock her away without a second thought if she showed some sign of not following Ross' rules, or the Accords. The fear of the unknown was such a powerful thing, because fears came from not being able to grasp a concept, being nervous of what a person didn't know, because what they didn't know, could hurt them. It could kill them, and Roxi, in the government's eyes, was an unknown variable that could destroy the entire experiment that they had so carefully set up. So she did keep her mouth shut. Besides, Tony spoke up before she would've had time to.

"All due respect, you're not gonna solve this with boys and bullets, Ross. You've gotta let us bring them in."

"And how would that end any differently than last time?" Ross asked, now facing Tony, standing in front of him and quite literally looking down at the Stark man where he sat in his seat, so unperturbed by the idea of standing up to someone who held so much power over them - at least in that moment of time - that some part of Roxi was surprised.

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓 ✘ 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now