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A FEW HOURS later, Roxi was completely ready to get off the jet. Tony hadn't given up on trying to guess her first name and the swirling emotions still in her head had made a team effort to give her another headache. It had worked pretty well, and as soon as she could, Roxi planned to separate from the group to go and get changed and to take a moment for her brain to catch up with her thoughts.

Clint was wheeled off first, a Korean woman in a doctor's clothes ushering instructions to the rest of the team, who then walked off, Natasha and Bruce following closely behind. Dr. Cho, Roxi concluded as Maria Hill walked towards them. After the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D last year, she'd taken up a job for Tony, no doubt partly to keep an eye on him for Fury. Roxi didn't feel comfortable going with them, because although she and Clint had been going on missions together for years, and she was friends with the man, he and Natasha were far closer, and Bruce was only going with them for scientific reasons. Thor walked out soon after, carrying th a sceptre under one arm as Roxi slowly stood up and looked around the back of the jet in case she'd missed something. She picked up her quarterstaff, which was on one of the seats, and slowly left, not particularly keen to be confined in a small space with Tony for much longer. She wandered through the corridors for a short while, and a few corners and a lift ride later, she arrived back in her room. It was simple, and she didn't use it too much, except straight after missions like she was now. The walls were painted a pastel red and a huge window showed her a view of New York City. She sat down on the bed that was in the middle of the room and slipped off the jacket - that at this point she really should've just started calling hers - making sure that the key chain didn't fall out.

Roxi always took a shower after coming back from missions; it helped her feel clean, no matter how scalding hot the water was. Normally, the ones that almost burned her skin worked the best. It didn't hurt anymore, instead the water seemed to pound the details of the mission out of her head so she was left with a vague, but still accurate, memory of whatever it was she had had to do. It didn't help that the huge burn on her back from the explosion of the bunker had scarred over, and that she felt it every time she washed her back or her hair (which, admittedly was getting quite long; she needed to get it cut), and it stirred up a whole new pot of memories about HYDRA that she'd quite like to forget overall. She got out once her skin was numb from the force of the water, and the smell of her lemon and peppermint shampoo filled the small room. The smell had always comforted her, maybe because it was the only recollection of her birth parents that she had, other than the image of fireflies dancing before her in the dusk. 

She put on more casual clothes, slipping on one of her own leather jackets from her wardrobe this time. She did need to wash the other one sometimes. She grabbed the wolf keychain out from the pocket and left the other jacket on the bed, knowing Tony would probably have staff for this sort of thing. She would've done it herself, but she wanted to check up on Clint. 

Roxi made her way back through the halls, a gun inside her jacket even though this was one of the most secure buildings in the world, and entered the medical bay without knocking. Clint was lying down on a bed strapped up to a machine that seemed to be rebuilding him. She frowned slightly at the sight of it. It was unnatural, and in her opinion, a little disturbing. Dr. Cho was explaining the process, but Roxi only caught on to what a few words meant before Bruce dumbed it down a bit for her and Natasha.

"She's creating tissue," he said in complete awe. Natasha looked around at Roxi and sent her a look that told the blue-eyed Avenger that she hadn't forgotten about the talk the redhead wanted to have. Roxi wasn't really looking forward to that.

"If you brought him to my lab, the regeneration cradle could do this in 20 minutes," Dr, Cho told them proudly, not caring at all that her lab was in Seoul, the opposite side of the world. Sure, they had the quinjet, but it was currently being refuelled. 

𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒅𝒐𝒐𝒓 ✘ 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now