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∆ {1⁹} {CAUGHT IN A STORM} ∆

ROXI HAD ONLY been to a few parties in her life, so she didn't know a great deal about them. However, she did know that they weren't supposed to be a giant space monster that would kill you if it got close enough. She stared up at the Chitauri leviathan in disbelief as it soared through the air just behind Stark.

"I-I don't see how that's a party," Natasha commented, her gaze too transfixed on the monster. Stark brought the giant alien down to street-level, causing its metal covered fins to gouge the tarmac and destroy countless cars as the leviathan let out another screech. Banner glanced back at the alien in slight disbelief, then his eyes swung back to Cap for a split-second, before he turned abruptly round again, now facing the charging monster like the rest of them were. 

"Dr Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry," Steve suggested, walking forwards a few steps forward among the rubble.

"That's my secret, Captain; I'm always angry," he informed them, turning around, before transforming into the Hulk. Even though Roxi knew he couldn't control his actions and that he didn't know what he was doing, she couldn't couldn't quite help feeling a slight twinge of fear. Instead of pushing this one to the side, it was replaced by a little respect and slight awe as he punched the leviathan straight in its face. It had an interesting effect. The sudden force that stopped the space monster caused it to contract like an accordion, but at the same time, it went up, flipping over through the air onto its back as the metal spines attached to its spine sprung off due to the force of the punch. Stark fired a rocket into the now torn-open flesh of the leviathan as it sailed slowly through the air, back towards the bridge they were standing on. 

Roxi followed Clint to shelter behind a flipped taxi once again, much preferring the space to crouching behind a shield with Natasha and Steve. The alien was blasted off of the side of the bridge, even more of the armour coming off in chunks and bouncing off the ground from the impact of the mini missile. 

"Today the weather forecast is a hail of aliens with light showers of dead space megalodons," Roxi muttered to herself, trying to take her mind off the fact that she might die within the next half hour. She didn't think anyone had heard, but the smirk on Clint's face as he glanced over at her told her otherwise.

"Can't forget the thunderstorms," he replied under his breath as the pair made their way out from behind the demolished to the group, taking formation in a circle. Clint had his bow armed, while Natasha had her pistol up in front of her face, similarly to how Roxi held her quarterstaff, guarding the side of her face, where blood still trickled down from her temple from her earlier encounter with a Chitauri. Steve stood next to Tony, and for once they weren't fighting, letting the group have their dynamic hero moment, which included the Hulk, who looked the calmest Roxi had seen him - though that wasn't saying much. The relative calm was ruined when three more leviathans came flooding out of the portal, opening their mouths in a deadly screech showing their rows of huge, sharp teeth. As she thought about it, Roxi realised that she hadn't seen the leviathans destroy anything with their mouths, which could mean that it was a weaker spot.

"Try their mouths if you have the chance," she instructed Clint quietly, who nodded, before Cap began giving out orders again.

"All right, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything, call out patterns or strays. Stark; you've got the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it around, or you turn it to ash," He instructed, carefully punctuating his little speech with hand gestures. 

"You wanna give me a lift?" Clint asked of Tony, who walked over in his battered and scraped armour. 

"Right; better clench up Legolas," he fired back, just as Roxi began to wonder why she, Natasha and Clint didn't get proper armour; both she and Natasha were bleeding, and Clint was likely to be by the end of it, but then she reminded herself that the three had a very different combat style to Tony, Bruce, Thor or even Steve. Stark took Clint to whatever perch he had chosen, before Cap continued speaking. 

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