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THE SOUND OF Leipzig Flughafen's PA system echoed over the airport, a man's voice letting out instructions to evacuate the airport in tinny German. Tony had been the one to submit the order, and Roxi had done as the man had suggested, riding to the airport in a car with Happy and Peter, ignoring the countless questions that the boy sent her way, instead checking her weapons. Peter had jumped when she'd extended her quarterstaff, and Happy had let out some protest about the fact that she would damage the car.

She hadn't cared much, her mind entirely focused on what was about to ensue. She would be fighting her own team. She didn't want to focus on it; the idea of going up against Steve, Sam, possibly others, it unnerved her to such an end that she was only just able to keep a cap on her emotions, in an attempt not to let her unease have an affect on Peter, who already seemed to be brimming with uncertainty. 

But now she was truly here. She stood just inside of one of the buildings, thankful for the shade it supplied. The sun seemed unnaturally bright today, especially for the inevitable battle that would follow in less than half an hour. Roxi already had the handle of her quarterstaff gripped in her hand, though she had decided firmly while in the car that she wouldn't use the blades. She would not hurt her teammates, and she would prevent any other injury to them if she could help it. She would not allow these Accords to drive them so far apart that one of them would be badly injured. Only then, if that happened, would she fail.

Some of the people on Tony's side, such as T'Challa, Vision, and Rhodey didn't know that she was there, and if they knew before the whole thing escalated into a fight, she was fairly sure that they'd have her arrested. If only, in Rhodey or Vision's case, for her own 'safety'. But her own safety didn't matter, not when something as large as the integrity of her team, of her family was on the line. She would not let them hurt each other, no matter what it did to her in the process.

It was only when Rhodey and Tony actually touched down that she started walking, crossing the tarmac, attempting to keep her strides long, fast, certain. It was warm, and she could heat reflecting off of the ground beneath her, rising in waves that wouldn't fail to make them pour with sweat within the first few minutes of the coming altercation. She couldn't hear Steve's group's side of the conversation until she arrived, slinking into the back of the group. She stayed as low-key as she could until Clint greeted her.

"Hey Ryder." From the way Rhodey and T'Challa turned their faces to her sharply, neither of them had noticed that she was there. Tony let out a sighing breath, as if accepting something that he had expected but not wished for, and Natasha met her gaze briefly, her green eyes full of understanding, and oddly, simultaneously, both pride and fear. Rhodey however, spoke up in his distaste for her being tangled in the situation.

"You shouldn't be here."

"Unfortunately for me, I am. After all, couldn't let you fight without me could I?"

"Yeah, you could've," he scoffed slightly, though she knew that most of his anger and distaste carried from concern, "and you should've." Roxi didn't reply, instead nodding towards T'Challa and Steve in a greeting. The air had grown so thick with tension that walking felt like walking through an icy quagmire. There was a silence - an awful one. The whole airport seemed to still, afraid to break it. But Tony was not scared of breaking the hush. He was afraid of losing those that he'd grown so close to over the past years, and Roxi knew that, even as he spoke.

"All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Peter Parker, dressed in the new suit that Tony had made him, appeared on cue, snatching Steve's shield with his webbing and binding the man's hands, landing on one of the cars used to transport luggage throughout the airport. Everyone's eyes were on him as they surveyed the situation, which had become both more stagnant and less at the same time. 

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