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THEY HAD BEEN out longer than either of the women realised. By the time they arrived back at the house, the sun had set, and the cloak of night had fallen over the farm. Crickets chirped in the long grass beside them as they walked, hand in hand. Roxi's long, black hair sat on her shoulder and upper back as Natasha's bobbed with their movements. It was so tranquil, just the two of them, in a form of sanctuary. 

This hadn't happened to Roxi; at least, not in a long time. This feeling of being safe, protected, it was so rare that she didn't recognise it at first. She'd walked along beside the redhead for a few minutes, a soft smile on her face as she tried to recognise such a positive feeling. For a few minutes, she forgot the feeling of the blood, and the way Natasha's had sunk into the page of her black book, in the shape of her name. And then she did remember, and her smile dropped slightly. They approached the house not long after, the kitchen light still on, and Laura's figure visible through the window. 

Natasha stopped, bringing the other woman around to face her. In the dark, she could barely make out Roxi's features, but the light from the farmhouse sent eerie shadows over her face. It was only then that Natasha realised that the dark haired woman had bags under her eyes, and that the gentle smile she'd had before, was now gone, melted away as if it were never there, simply leaving the stone cold mask that was normally on her face. But, as their eyes met, Roxi's face softened again, and Natasha could see the vulnerability in her eyes. The woman was opening up to her, allowing her to see her weak as no-one else could, so Natasha spoke.

"Thank you." It was completely sincere, no tone of teasing or sarcasm, that the two women frequently spoke in. The smile painted itself back onto Roxi's face, and the action made the redhead feel warm inside. And then Natasha felt a pair of arms wrap around her, taking her by surprise initially, before she realised that Roxi Ryder was hugging her. It was a good hug, but she hadn't expected it, at all. After her initial moment of surprise, Natasha returned the gesture, and the two women stood there for a few, relaxing and revelling in the comfort they found in each other.

Roxi wasn't sure what's inspired her to hug the other woman, but she had realised that she hadn't provided much support to Natasha after the redhead had listened to her, and it'd made her start to think again. Thinking had never resulted in anything good for her, at least. At that moment in time, she'd simply wanted comfort, and Natasha seemed to be the only one who could bring her it. It was so tranquil, so desperately calm, that for those few moments, she forgot all her worries. She forgot Ultron, she forgot her team, she forgot the horrors of the past and how they haunted her so vividly that she could paint them. 

And then the world became real around her again, in focus properly since before the mission. She felt how cold the wind was, saw how dark it was outside, smelled the smoke from Clint's chimney, realised just how tired she was.

"Natasha," she said softly, voice cracking slightly with emotion, and due to the chill that she was only now beginning to feel. The redhead pulled away slightly, looking up at the other woman, who was only a few inches taller than her. Again, their faces were very close together, and Natasha had to keep her eyes from flicking to the other woman's lips.

"Yeah?" She asked in a quiet voice, their eyes still connected, and Roxi had to suppress a slight shudder. 

"It's getting kinda cold," Roxi explained, her voice low and quiet, looking into the other woman's eyes, trying not to look anywhere else. A smile spread over Natasha's lips as she looked down, putting her forehead on Roxi's shoulder, letting out a light chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess it is," she mumbled, the smile still etched onto her face. Even with their short conversation, they stayed as they were for another few minutes, just enjoying it, and when Natasha reluctantly pulled away, she reclosed her grip on Roxi's hand and they walked to Clint's front door together. 

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