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∆ {4⁵} {PERSPECTIVE} ∆ 

IT DIDN'T TAKE them too much longer to arrive back at the compound, where Roxi set down the Quinjet with a little more difficulty than she'd like to admit, the trails and wisps of gold and pink long since gone from the horizon. Most of the team left in silence, though Sam and Steve were discussing something as they walked a few paces in front of Wanda, who Roxi had decided to keep a close eye on to make sure that she was doing okay after the incident. She was walking with Natasha quietly, their interlinked hands swinging between them while the cool air  blanketed any memory of the fire that Roxi had left, extinguishing the heat, and the storm of memories that it brought with it. Everyone had parted ways upon entering the main building so that they could take off their gear and try as shed the images of what had happened with them.

Roxi had immediately headed back to her room, parting with Natasha just outside of it with a whispered word or two exchanged between them. She still found herself in the habit of taking a scalding shower after missions, so that was what she was doing, the water flowing over her with the force of a waterfall, the dirt and blood churning by her feet as she watched her skin redden. She'd started to become accustom to the level of the heat, and the way the water pummelled her skin in such a harsh way that she could barely hear her own thoughts over it. She didn't want to hear her thoughts, however; they were all of politics as she wondered if this would blow over easily, or if the world would hang on to it to use against them. Yet, she could still just hear them, as if they were whispering from a few meters away and she could slightly catch the words that had been carried on the wind.

They weren't so much as a warning like the sunset had seemed, but a voice advising her to take cautionary measures. Just a hint, some advice that everything was going to wrong now, and that she needed to be on the best side of that, that she could find.

She stepped out of the shower with a mind flooded with wonders about what exactly was going to happen the next day. It was far too late for much to happen that night, but in the morning, then the repercussions would come. In fact, Roxi was quite glad that they'd got back so late. She wasn't sure if she would've been able to deal with the government if they'd approached them about the incident only hours after it happened, and Wanda certainly wouldn't be able to handle it.

Roxi was planning to visit the Maximoff again in the morning, because although she had seemed okay in the Quinjet, she knew that the girl was putting up a wall so that she would appear okay. She recognised it far too easily, because it was exactly what she did, what Wanda had been helping her stop doing. She didn't want Wanda to feel alone, or as if it had been her fault. Roxi firmly believed that it wasn't, and was set on getting the girl around to thinking the same thing.

Somehow, she hadn't anticipated that Natasha would be sitting on her bed, waiting patiently as she did so often after missions, and jumped slightly when she saw the redheaded woman, waiting quietly with a bathrobe wrapped around her.

"You know if you keep doing this, people are gonna think that we're together," Roxi teased lightly. Technically, they didn't have an actual relationship, or a label for what they were, and they tended to bring it up just to annoy the other.

"What if I said we were?" Natasha shot back immediately, turning her gaze to Roxi, who stood in the doorway to her bathroom with a towel draped around her body. The redhead shamelessly adopted a smirk and trailed her eyes down Roxi's body, producing shivers that ran up her spine so fast that she managed to seem unbothered.

"Then, I'd say 'Take me on a date first, Romanoff'," Roxi replied in a suggestive tone, and she smiled slightly when she noticed Natasha straighten ever so slightly. She made her way over to her bed, sitting beside the redhead, ignoring the way that she couldn't see especially well due to the time.

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