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THE ROAD NOISE that Tony seemed so determined to drown out with his expensive tyres and fancy cars filtered into the black vehicle as it pulled up to a hotel in Berlin the next morning. Roxi stepped out of it, thanking the driver as she always felt obligated to do. She hadn't bothered to change out of yesterday's clothes, even if she herself had taken an hour long shower that morning at the crack of dawn, trying to prepare herself for the day that she knew was inevitably coming. She'd come to talk to Tony about helping out with Steve, Sam and Bucky, and whoever else they had roped in. After all, he knew there was no way he could change her mind about this, even if he wanted to. So, he was likely to try and figure out out a way for her to do it with breaking the least amount of law in the Sokovia Accords as possible.

The security outside the hotel had let her in without much question, which she was glad for, because she wasn't sure if she had the patience to deal with the government or any form of security as calmly as she had yesterday. She didn't get nervous often, but when she did, and people managed to annoy her, she tended to snap at them, and if they continued, they were likely to end up worse for wear. She knew what room he was staying in because she had read the email out of the corner of her eye yesterday, before she'd taken her seat at the window and watched the world pass her by. He was surprisingly open when he checked his inbox, and while Roxi's habit of completely analysing whatever environment meant that whenever she was with him and he decided to clear out his inbox, she would catch sight of his emails. Though, she'd stopped doing it as much when she'd read something that she hadn't meant to - a personal email from Pepper about their break-up.

She arrived outside the first door - she had assumed that one was for Happy and that one was for him - and rapped her knuckles against the wood sharply four times. there was nothing particularly significant about the number, but it sounded better in her head than three did. The door was opened more quickly than Tony every answered the door, which made sense, seeing as it wasn't Tony standing in front of her.

Instead there was a young, teenage boy, no older than 15 standing in front of her, looking at her with wide eyes, a red and blue suit covering his body. Roxi regarded him in silence for a second, enjoying the way that he seemed to have no clue what to do when an Avenger turned up at her door.

"You wouldn't happen to be from Queens, would you?" The kid seemed confused for a second, his eyes still wide as he took her in, before he nodded and let out a slightly stuttered response.

"Uh- uh, yeah, actually. I'm, uh, I'm Peter Parker." Roxi let out a long breath, frustration ebbing and flowing in her mind like it was some sort of odd tide, trying to keep everything at bay so that she could take it out later with her powers - in the safest way possible.

"Well, Peter Parker, you wouldn't happen to know where he is?"

"Uh, not at the moment. But you're A-agent Ryder, right?" He asked, and the amazement  filling his voice made Roxi want to let out a laugh. She was not a hero. Just as she'd discussed with Natasha, they weren't heroes, they were Avengers. That meant that they'd done bad things, if only to let the world as they knew it continue spinning.

"Yeah, don't get too excited. I'm just a person. Now, I've gotta go find Tony," she started to excuse herself, before Peter stammered out another question.

"Are you gonna be, uh, fighting with us?"

"If I can get through to Tony, then yes." She lifted up her phone, clicking on one of only five numbers that she had saved. They were Natasha, Fury, Steve, Tony, and Wanda. He picked up almost immediately, leaving Roxi to suspect that he was probably in his suit.

"Hey Tony, where are you?" She used an overly sweet tone, ignoring the way that Peter was still watching her in awe.

"I don't like that tone Ryder. Why do you need to know?"

"So that I can yell at you for bringing a 15-year-old kid into our mess."

"What do you mean 'our' Ryder? We both heard Ross telling you to stay in Berlin." Tony didn't sound surprised, if anything, a little exasperated. She wasn't entirely sure why. He had known that she wouldn't stay in Berlin, and here he was, acting as if he hadn't known that that had been her plan since the moment Ross had announced it.

"Also, has Peter even shown you what he can do? It's pretty awesome."

"I don't care what he can do, he's 15, Tony."

"Weren't you what, eight when you joined SHIELD?"

"No, actually, I was 17, and Fury didn't let me go on combat missions until I was 21." 

"Huh, would you look at that, that didn't change my mind magically."

"Tony, you go through with your plan, I go through with mine." Roxi's threat meant far more to Tony than it would've before Sokovia, because if Roxi did fight with them, she'd be in a direct breach of the conditions that Ross had set her, and therefore the Accords. She'd become a criminal, in the same way that Sam and Steve were.

"You do that, you become a criminal," he tried to reason, though he knew he was fighting a losing battle. He had to try to keep her safe. Natasha would kill him if he hadn't tried at all, and besides, if she was a criminal, they couldn't have their weekly sessions where they'd just sit down in silence and down a few drinks.

"Then I'll be a criminal, Tony. I won't let a few signatures rip us apart, not after everything that's happened the past four years." Roxi knew that Peter was listening quietly, and was trying not to sound too desperate over the call. He would need confidence to go against the Avengers, and if she was blatantly nervous about their chances in front of him, it would ruin whatever bravery that had inspired him to come to Germany in the first place.

"I know, Ryder, I know. But I saw how you reacted in the first meeting after Lagos, however well you hid it. I know that you need to do this, in a way, and I won't stop you. Just.. be careful, and get Happy to drive you to us with the kid, okay? See you in a few hours." Roxi rolled her eyes slightly at the mention of being driven somewhere yet again. She preferred flying herself in a Quinjet, if that was a viable option. But, she knew it was only because Tony had grown so close to her over the past year. Even his threat a few days ago, had been for her protection.

"So," she started, turning to Peter, whose amazed look had slightly faded by now, "We've got a few hours, Queens. What do you wanna do?"

{A/N:} Ik, ik, this is REALLY REALLY short but I really wanted to get this in here because I wanted Roxi to meet Peter and also have a chat about what Roxi's gonna do and how she'd gonna be involved with the fight at the airport. Once again, sorry this is so short, most definitely a filler, but I hope you enjoyed this anyway. Also I've now written like four chapters today. Idc if it's midnight thats a really high new record :D. Thanks :)

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1500 Words

Written: 24 / 04 / 2021

Published: 27 / 05 / 2021

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