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WHOEVER IS READING this, I hope you are well.

There is a reason that I am writing this, and it has been something that I have been debating for months now. I think Leipzig was the thing that clarified what my decision had to be. The fight shouldn't have happened, but it did, and there's nothing we can do about that now. If anything, it's likely better not to dwell on it, if at all possible.

I acknowledge that for some of you, that could be considered an action of great difficulty, but it holds an equal importance. We cannot forget it, because if we do, we are likely to make the same mistake again in the future. That is something that we, nor the world, can afford, not with the attacks that Earth has been subject to in recent years. 

We have driven ourselves apart, and I see no use in trying to fix that, because that is likely irreversible. That is not what this is about. This is about preparation, about learning. We have to take what has happened to us and use it as an advantage to help us in the future, to face whatever threats that may present themselves. Many of us, of you, at some point, I'm sure, have. But this is different. This is not only about our actions; this is about how far we are willing to take things.

'Things', depending on who exactly you are reading this, could have a lot of possible definitions. For me, myself, I have found myself ready to take a step that I never would've thought of a year ago before I discarded the idea of it.

Steve, you asked me once who I wanted to be to you; if I should be an enemy or a friend, and though I didn't have an answer at the time, I believe I have one now. I am finally willing to be myself. My true self, regardless of what you may think you know of me.

This has changed me, and I've been so grateful for something a few times in my life. It doesn't have to change you, but perhaps, it must change the way we view the world. As though nothing is permanent, that we live in flux, and yet that we have all the time in the world to languish in the joys of life. Neither is quite true. The world moves slow enough that we cannot become used to the pace of change, and yet moves too fast for us to be able to enjoy it unless we concentrate solely on living life the best way it can be lived.

But then, where would that leave you, in a world like ours? Nowhere, or alternatively, directly back where you found yourself starting. Unfortunately, our world is no longer alone, and it seems that we may have to change with it to be able to adapt and face whatever  may come next.

Perhaps nothing will come next. Maybe, this is the end of all of this. Of our conflicts. Perhaps we can go back to the lives that we were each meant to live. In that case, I am glad that I have taken this step, if even to know that I had the courage to do it, even as this family that we have built breaks.

I am not trying to put this family, this group back together. It wouldn't work, not with the way that things are. It's unlikely that they will change, either. So here we find ourselves. Where are you, when you are reading this? Not physically, nor emotionally.

Where are you in your acceptance, your readiness to take your next step. While I will not push it upon you, as it can be very overbearing, it's something that is worthy to consider. Over the next years, many of us are likely not to cross paths again. That is simply because it suits the changing of our world, of how we have reacted to it.

In fact, the main point of this letter, regardless of how well or deeply that I know most of you, is personal. This is something that I need to do. Most of what I wrote before this, even if it may have meaning to some of you, was a form of procrastination, I suppose.

I have been dreading this for a long time, and yet longing to do it for even longer, seemingly. This is entirely new to me, especially under such circumstances. I hope that you understand why I'm doing this, even if I haven't made it expressively clear. This is of trust, and though I have great doubt that any of you will break it, this may also be considered a warning. Be careful who you trust, but once you are sure of them, then let little dissuade you from it. Such is the promise of loyalty, I suppose.

Regardless, I have written far too many words before I have finally come to say what I intend to. Once again, I hope that you, each, are doing well, respectively.

Yours Sincerely,

     Roxi Ryder.

{A/N:} Well, would you look at that? This chapter's a load of waffling, and, like I said, it's short, but this is such a big step for Roxi :)). ngl I'm so lowkey proud of her. This was also harder to write than i expected, and i don't know why roxi's writing sounds like mine in an english literature exam, but oh well. I tried to keep this as generic as possible because of the different characters lmao, but it's hard.

Also yeah, hi, two chapters today. One as my normal, one as my odd publishing-frenzy-bonus chapter. :).

Please vote, comment, let me know what you think, etc., Thanks :)

1000 Words

Written: 13 / 05 / 2021

Published: 29 / 05 / 2021


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